Tetiana Khomych, Candidate of Philological Sciences (Ph.D.), Docent, Head of the Department of Ukrainian language and literature
T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv colehium”
53 Hetmana Polubotka St., Chernihiv 14013, Ukraine
E-mail: chnpu@chnpu.edu.ua
Heading: Articles
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The language of Ukrainian fiction of the beginning of the 21st century is analyzed in the article, particularly the vocabulary formed by the ways of compounding: word-composition, stem-composition and abbreviations. Attention is drawn to occasional novelties.
It has been established that compounding is a productive way of derivation in the modern Ukrainian language. In the artistic style, it activated its potential under the influence of external and intra-linguistic factors, such as: accession of the lexicon with foreign language elements, the effect of the law due to economy of linguistic means, the tendency to complicate the language structure, the search for new expressive forms, informatization and computerization, etc.
It is determined that a compound word in an artistic text is a coherently designed lexical unit. The author’s novelty in grammatical and semantic aspects presents a new meaning which is necessary for the context and does not simply reflect the content of its formative components.
It is substantiated that the use of apposition, as one of the types of juxtapositions, is a productive way of forming complex neolexemes in artistic Ukrainian prose; repetition of the same or similar in meaning antonymous or synonymous nominative words forms a type of word formation – reduplication; splicing is also used by Ukrainian novelist, but the authors go beyond the boundaries of “traditional” word formation, using the technique of graphic combination of several words, the technique of multiple repetition of one lexeme or its part; in the context of splicing, its variation is singled out, when a syntactic construction that undergoes compression becomes the formative base.
It has been clarified that in Ukrainian fiction there are many lexemes formed by varieties of word formation (pure, compound-suffix, compound-zero, compound-inflectional, prefix-compound-suffix). Authors often introduce occasionalisms into the linguistic canvas of works, which denote a certain new concept, the image that are talked about.
It has been established that the abbreviation in Ukrainian fiction has no tendency to intensive use.
Keywords: compounding, compounds, word formation, stem formation, abbreviation, telescoping, occasionalism.
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