• info@ukrmova.iul-nasu.org.ua
  • +38 (044)-278-12-09
  • Print ISSN 1682-3540
  • e-ISSN 2707-5249
» For authors

For authors


The journal Ukrainska Mova publishes original papers focused on theoretical and applied studies in linguistics devoted to different aspects of the Ukrainian language study. There are 4 rubrics in the journal: Researches, Scientific Chronicles, Reviews and Anniversaries. Publication is free of charge.

Contributions should be written in Ukrainian. Please send us 2 printed copies of the manuscript on address: Ukrainska Mova, 4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine and digital copy on e-mail: movajournal@ukr.net. The first page of printed copy should be signed by the author.

The paper to the rubric Researches shouldn’t be more than 24 pages in length including references and abstract.  The papers to other rubrics shouldn’t be more than 8 pages in length.


  • text editor: MS Word;
  • file format: .doc or .docx;
  • page format: A4;
  • font: Times New Roman;
  • size of type: 14 pt;
  • spacing (interline interval): 1,5;
  • paragraph: 1.25 cm (the first paragraph of each structural element is without indent);
  • margins (left, right, top, bottom): 2.0 cm;
  • no hyphenation or color highlights;
  • for formulas, diagrams and tables functions of Word should be used.

The papers of postgraduate students should be recommended by the head of the department or scientific adviser.

Please sign the Copyright License Agreement and send it with the manuscript.

Please submit the manuscript with the following dataUDC code, title of the paper, information about the author: write your full name and surname, degree, academic status, place of work and the position. Provide your contact details (postal address, index, e-mail). Please note that this data will be publicly available (you can leave your Institute, scientific department or your private contacts), e.g.:

ВАСЕЦЬКА Оксана Іванівна, кандидат філологічних наук, молодший науковий співробітник відділу граматики та наукової термінології, Інституту української мови НАН України
вул. М. Грушевського, 4, м. Київ, 01001
Е-mail: oksana.vasetska.04@gmail.com

Oksana Vasetska, PhD in Philology, Junior Researcher of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: oksana.vasetska.04@gmail.com

Abstract of the paper to the rubric Researches is formed in such way:

  • in Ukrainian: abstract, which is about 10 lines, summarizes the main points or topics the article will discuss, concentrates on author’s contribution, it should be in the length and keywords – up to 7 words.
  • in English: scientific abstract of the article (up 2 thousand signs) with keywords.

The papers to the rubrics Scientific Chronicles, Reviews and Anniversaries are published without Ukrainian abstracts; English abstract is published at the request of the author.

Short references in the text formatting

  • on abbreviation list are in parentheses, as an example: (СлДж); (там само);(там само: 378); (Б-Н: 305; СУМ VІІІ: 380); (ЭССЯ ХV: 192, 194–200).
  • on reference list are in square brackets where is the first number is for the source in references list and the second number, after the colon, is for the pages, as an example: [10: 27–29];[там само]; [там само: 77]; [5; 7: 12; 10: 12, 15; 9: 7–14]; if it is a part of multivolume edition put number of volume in roman numerals, as an example: [2IV: 15];

List of abbreviations and references consists of two units:

  1. ABBREVIATIONS AND LITERATURE – sources in the original language, designed in accordance with the Ukrainian standard of bibliography description 8302:2015 (see http://library.nlu.edu.ua/Biblioteka/sait/DSTU_8302-2015.pdf)/

Abbreviation list (titled УМОВНІ СКОРОЧЕННЯ) in alphabetic order is given at the end of the manuscript.

References list (titled ЛІТЕРАТУРА) in alphabetic order sequentially numbered is given after the abbreviation list (УМОВНІ СКОРОЧЕННЯ). Bibliographic description should be made in accordance with generally accepted requirements. It is necessary to mention: for multivolume editions – how many volumes the edition has, the year of publication of the first and the last volume; for articles, the first and the last page in the source.

LEGEND AND REFERENCES same list of references in original language and transliterated into English in APA style.

Legeng (after ЛІТЕРАТУРA) Attention! Left column is given in original language (for example, Ukrainian), the right column has to be translated into English.

References (after LEGEND). Such a formatting is recommended for journal in References list: author(s), date of publication, article title, journal title, volume number, issue. All the elements are translated into English.

Instructions and examples see here.

All Illustrations in the text should be sequentially numbered and titled. They also have to be added to the digital copy of the manuscript in *.tif, *.eps or *.jpg format. Please make sure that your illustrations are of high quality.

Tables should be preceded with the word Таблиця and headed with short titles; the other supplementary materials (pictures, schemas, diagrams, maps etc.) should be followed by the words Рисунок, Схема, Діаграма and its title after the full stop, e.g.:

Таблиця 2. Мовна самоідентифікація жителів окремих областей України (2001 р.), %

Рисунок 1. Меню вікна «Афіксальні моделі»

Схема 1. Класифікація термінів-варіантів

Діаграма 4. Національна та мовна ідентичність мешканців міст Луганщини (2001 р.)

Карта № 2. Рефлекси давнього [і] після шиплячих

All the examples see here.

The tables should preferably be in Word or Excel format. Size of type can be changed into 8 – 10 pt. All the footnotes should be placed after the table. 

Figures prepared in Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator should be submitted in *.eps format. Scanned figures or digital photographs should be saved in *.tif or *.jpg formats at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Line art (black and white or color) and combinations of gray scale images and line art should be at least 1200 DPI. You can also send us a printed copy of a picture if you don’t have a digital one. There should be reference to each illustration in the text of manuscript.

See Akademperiodika recommendation

Symbols: this ­­­­­« » quotation marks should be used in Ukrainian text, you can use “ ” in text written in other languages. For dash mark (–) you can use combination ctrl-.There is no space between initials, only between initials and surname, e.g.: (В.А., Петренко).

Papers that don’t meet journal standard are rejected.

Manuscripts submitted for publication will be reviewed anonymously by at least two independent experts in the particular area, the author will receive evaluation results within a month to decide the manuscript would be accepted or rejected.

The editor reserves the right to review, to edit and refuse to publish or remove any content (if it doesn’t change the author’s point of view). If the paper gets the negative review it can be rejected or send the author for the revision. Rejected papers are not returned to their authors. The peer reviewed paper is reviewed by editorial board, and then it should be recommended by Academic bored.

The author is responsible for the accuracy of all information, including dates, citations, proper names and their translation.

Please submit contact details: the name and surname of all the authors, telephone and e-mail.

 Use http://ukrlit.org/transliteratsiia to convert Ukrainian script into Latin.

Use https://translit.ru for Old Slavic text transliteration.