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» Modeling of the semantic structure of a dictionary article in active lexicography

Modeling of the semantic structure of a dictionary article in active lexicography

Modeling of the semantic structure of a dictionary article in active lexicography
UDC 811.161.2:373.374

Oksana Tyshchenko, Candidate of Philology, Senior Researcher in the Department of Lexicology, Lexicography and Structural‑Mathematical Linguistics
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhaіlo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

E‑mail: tom‑73@ukr.net

Heading: Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article, the main attention is paid to the semantic structure of the dictionary article: its definition, differentiation from the semantic structure of the word; the principles of its semantic modeling, in particular by the type of use of language units; consider the criteria for semantic modeling of a dictionary article in an active type dictionary; as well as the dynamics of the semantic model of a language sign in action on the example of the materials of a new dictionary of the active type.

Semantic structure of the dictionary article  is a sequence of meanings of a polysemic word, which depends on the type of dictionary and the time of its creation in accordance with the everyday picture of the world and the purpose of the work. The peculiarity of the dictionary of the active type is that it contains a model of a linguistic sign in action, and not in a static system: a meaning that is not historically the first, logically basic, direct, archisemous, that corresponds to the internal form of the word can rise to the first place. The dynamics of the semantic structure of the word should be reflected in the semantic structure of the dictionary article   in accordance with the type, task and purpose of the lexicographic work. In order to model the semantic structure of the dictionary article dictionary of the active type, it is expedient to choose a principle based on the type of use of the language unit, in particular, based on the activity parameter. The creation of a modern dictionary of the active type requires a careful analysis of data according to these criteria and the formation of such a  semantic structure of the dictionary article, which would, reflect the priorities and needs of speakers in the use of a word in this or that meaning or sub-meaning depending on the sphere of language functioning.

 Keywords: active type dictionary, semantic structure of a word, semantic structure of a dictionary article, principles/criteria of semantic modeling, language / lexicographic dynamics.


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