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» Language behavior of Kyiv youth during the Russian-Ukrainian war

Language behavior of Kyiv youth during the Russian-Ukrainian war

Language behavior of Kyiv youth during the Russian-Ukrainian war
UDC 81’272’246.2

Ivanna Tsar, PhD in Philology, Researcher in the Department of Stylistics, Language Culture and Sociolinguistics
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhailo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

E-mail: tsar.ivanna5@gmail.com

Heading: Young Scholars Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the changes in language consciousness and behavior of Kyiv youth during the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war based on young Kyiv residents` language biographies. The paper characterizes the current language situation in the Ukrainian capital from the point of view of young Kyiv residents. It also examines the influence of the language environment on youthʼs language behavior formation. Changes in the language behavior of young people are manifested not only in the switching to Ukrainian in everyday communicative situations but also in many other processes, the general trend of which is the rejection of everything Russian: young people gradually or radically stop consuming information from Russian-language resources, start using social networks in Ukrainian, change the language settings in phones and other gadgets in favor of Ukrainian, try to care more about the purity of their language, get rid of surzhyk, replace Russian-language information sources with English-language ones.

The study identified the factors that deter young people from switching to Ukrainian in times of war: lack of national consciousness, narrow social circle of communication, stereotypes about the language situation in the city, lack of knowledge of Ukrainian, lack of practical skills in communicating in Ukrainian; and general level of education.

The Kyiv youth language behavior clearly illustrates a nationwide linguistic shift toward increased use of the Ukrainian language in a bilingual society in all social spheres amid the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. Changes in Kyiv youthʼs language behavior are closely tied to changes in the language consciousness of young people, their attitude to the Russian language, culture, and everything related to Russia.

Keywords: language behavior, language situation, Kyiv youth, language environment, language biography.


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