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» Grammatical studies of the Ukrainian language in the context of slavic studies

Grammatical studies of the Ukrainian language in the context of slavic studies

Grammatical studies of the Ukrainian language in the context of slavic studies
UDC 811.161.2’36’811.16

Kateryna Horodenska, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor, Head in the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhaіlo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

E-mail: k.horodenska70@meta.ua

Heading: Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article summarizes and characterizes the problems of studying the grammar of the Ukrainian language from the 20s of 20th century to the present, against the background of grammatical studies of Slavic studies. It has ascertained a common tendency aimed at the search for new, more perfect theoretical foundations to create complete descriptions of the grammatical system of specific Slavic languages, as named by prominent academic grammarians.

Four key differences in the development of grammatical direction in academic Ukrainian linguistics compared to Slavic studies are noted: 1) application of the functional-categorical approach to the analysis of part-language classes and morphological categories, syntactic units, and their categories, which is based on the principle “from meaning to means of its expression”; 2) in-depth study of the theory of parts of speech, as a result of which monographic descriptions of individual part-language classes of words were created, in which innovative approaches to the division of words into part-language and non-part-language classes and new classifications of parts of speech, author’s interpretations of usual grammatical problems were proposed; 3) separation of word formation into an independent section along with morphology and syntax as part of grammar, recognition of the separateness of the word formation subsystem along with morphological and syntactic subsystems.

Keywords: grammatical studies, extensive academic grammar, theory of parts of speech, functional-categorical approach, morphology, syntax, word-formation, Ukrainian linguistic, Slavic studies.


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