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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2017 » Journal Ukrainian Language №3 (63) 2017 » LEXICAL-SEMANTIC TYPOLOGY OF VERBAL CONTROL IN THE UKRAINIAN LITERARY LANGUAGE


Journal Ukrainian Language №3 (63) 2017
UDC 811.161.2’367.625

Valentyna Fursa
PhD in Philology, Senior Research Scientist of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: v_fursa@ukr.net

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the main approaches to the interpretation of grammatical government in the modern Ukrainian linguistics. On the basis of the valence, there are analysed typical sets of valence-determined governed components dependent on the verbs of the most representative lexical-semantic groups, in particular, verbs of motion/movement, specific physical action, giving, writing, communication, speech, hope, general localization, sense perception, management, possession and others. According to such sets of governed components, a typology of verbal government is suggested. The factors influencing the quantitative and qualitative composition of typical governed nouns are defined.

The valence-determined government makes it possible to consider governed only notional verbally dependent components with semantic functions of the object, the addressee, the instrument (tool or means of action) and the locality (location, initial and end points of the motion, path of motion).

The verbs of different lexical-semantic groups in the Ukrainian language are quite heterogeneous in terms of the quantitative and qualitative composition of their typical governed nominative components, which is caused by the different valence. Each lexical-semantic group of the verbs has a steady, typical set of governed components, and its subgroups apart from this typical set also have additional governed components. The maximum quantity of typical governed components is shown by the verbs of motion/movement, they belong to multivalent ones. In typical expressions these verbs can have up to six governed components. The mid-valent verbs of a specific physical action, verbs with the meaning of ‘giving’, ‘writing’, ‘communication’, ‘speech’ semantically determine two or three governed components in the typical manifestations. The governed components determined by the verbs of the state and the verbs of the process are quantitatively limited and homogeneous because such verbs valence characteristics are small-capacity.

Keywords: verbal government, valence of the verb, lexical-semantic group of verbs, governed noun, object, addressee, instrumental, locative, case form, prepositional-case form.


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