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» Journal Issues » 2023 » Journal Ukrainian Language – № 1 (85) 2023 » Biblicality as the universal feature of Ukrainian artistic discourse

Biblicality as the universal feature of Ukrainian artistic discourse

Journal Ukrainian Language – № 1 (85) 2023
UDC 811.161.2’373.7

Maria Skab, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor, professor of the department of history and culture of the Ukrainian language Yuriy Fed’kovych Chernivtsi National University
2 Mykhailo Kotsiubynskogo St., Chernivtsi 58012, Ukraine

E-mail: mv.skab@chnu.edu.ua

Heading: Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the result of the verification of the hypothesis formed by American Professor T. Foster about the extremely high frequency of biblical allusions in artistic discourse in general (as a universal world trend) on the basis of Ukrainian literature. As the author’s decades-long observations of religious elements in the language of Ukrainian literature from ancient times to the most recent ones prove, Biblical references, appeal to this unique work of world literature to a more or less extent are a typical feature of Ukrainian literature at all times (frequency of usage depends on the time of writing of the work, individual characteristics of the author and the literary style in which he/she works); it is not a remnant of an archaic village worldview or a peculiarity of a language of the old intellectuals who were distant from the contemporary problems, as, unfortunately, was often interpreted in the Soviet times; biblicality is deeply rooted in the Ukrainian worldview as part of common European and human values. In the author’s opinion, it is necessary to study the problem of biblicality in the Ukrainian language and culture in as much detail as possible, in its whole entity, with deep research and understanding of the primary source, with the subtlest observations of semantic shifts in Ukrainian vocabulary and phraseology, diachronically and synchronically, against the background of the corresponding processes in other languages, in order to understand universal trends in the use of the Bible, as well as the uniqueness of the Ukrainian approach.

Keywords: Ukrainian literature, biblicality, biblical allusions, biblical words and expressions.

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