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  • Print ISSN 1682-3540
  • e-ISSN 2707-5249
» Official-business communication in modern church discourse

Official-business communication in modern church discourse

Official-business communication in modern church discourse
UDC 81’271’42:2

Bohdana Drofiak, Postgraduate student in the Department of Stylistics, Culture of Language, and Sociolinguistіcs
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhaіlo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

Е-mail: chokaliuk@gmail.com
https://orcid.org /0000-0003-1321-4051

Heading: Young Scholars Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article, the author examines an important aspect of linguistic and cultural dynamics, namely, the functioning of names, genres (types) of official and business communication in the church discourse, which testifies to the processes of interaction between linguistic and non-linguistic factors. The specifics of genre names used in documents of official and business communication of church discourse are analyzed.

Significant emphasis is placed on the interaction of cultural, social, and linguistic factors in shaping the terminological field of religious discourse. Attention is focused on understanding the concept of «discourse» and its role in shaping the modern cognitive paradigm of the humanities. The interpretation of religious discourse in philosophical, religious studies, sociological, or linguistic research is explored. Specifics of using professional vocabulary and terms are indicated. The names of religious documents are presented, which form the appropriate terminological system of official and business communication of religious discourse and are a part of religious discourse in general. Signs of official and business communication in religious discourse are presented. The list of documents in which official and business communication is implemented in religious discourse in accordance with the church hierarchy is provided: starting from documents issued by the head of the church — the Metropolitan, ending with documents of the diocesan administrations and religious community (parish). The main types of official and business discourse are identified. It is noted that official and business communication in religious discourse covers documented acts of church activities between organizations.

Keywords: genres (types) of documents, official business communication, church discourse, linguistic and cultural dynamics.


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