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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2017 » Journal Ukrainian Language №4 (64) 2017 » KEYWORDS AND CLASSES OF EQUIVALENCE IN THE ISYBISLAW SYSTEM AS A TOOL AND SUBJECT OF STUDY


Journal Ukrainian Language №4 (64) 2017
UDC 047.31+811.6

Kowalski Paweł
Doctor, Adjunct, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland)
ul. Bartoszewicza 1b m. 17, Warszawa 00-337
Е-mail: kowalion@wp.pl

Banasiak Jakub
Master, Assistant Professor, Institute of Slavic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland)
ul. Bartoszewicza 1b m. 17, Warszawa 00-337
Е-mail: jakubbanasiak@02.pl

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The paper discusses the main stages of creating (establishing) classes of equivalence within a multi-lingual keyword set in the bibliography of world Slavic linguistics iSybislaw which is available at www.isybislaw.ispan.waw.pl. This database is an information and retrieval system that was made available to users on the Internet in 2007. Its idea was first presented to the wider scientific community at the 12th Slavic International Congress in Cracow in 1998. Its main information retrieval tool is the keyword language that has two basic functions in iSybislaw: metainformational and retrieval function. The keyword metadata is based on mapping of the content of the documents in the database, while the retrieval feature of the language allows users to derive (obtain) relevant information from all documents.  We present the most important theoretical and practical problems of creating such classes and methodological solutions used by the designers of the iSybislaw system. The establishment of classes of intra-linguistic and inter-lingual equivalence allows users to gain knowledge of any expression that constitutes a given class. The information value of the system is enriched and new access points to the knowledge presented in the system are created. In the future terminological units from all Slavic languages as well as English that are going to be included in the equivalence classes will allow efficient use of the system for multilingual users. It is particularly important to include English in the structure of individual equivalence classes, which will allow non-Slavic speakers to use the database easily.

Keywords: information-retrieval systems, information-retrieval languages, keyword, linguistic terminology, iSybislaw.


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