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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2017 » Journal Ukrainian Language №4 (64) 2017 » COMPOUND ADJECTIVES WITH THE FIRST PART BLAHO- AND THEIR STATUS IN THE HISTORY OF UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE


Journal Ukrainian Language №4 (64) 2017
UDC  811.161.2:81’373.611

Ruslana Kotsa
PhD in Philology, Researcher of the Department of the History of the Ukrainian Language and Onomastics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: rgomonai@ukr.net

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The semantic and structural analysis of the compound adjectives with the first part blaho- and the second noun part found in the monuments of Ukrainian language of the 11–20th centuries is implemented in the article. In particular their origin and ways of borrowing were traced, the semantics and word-formative structure in the different periods of the Ukrainian language development were determined, the stylistic function and peculiarities of use were found out.

Thus, by studying the semantics and structure of compound adjectives with the first part blaho– one can say that they formed a special group of derivatives that performed an important contextually ideological function. The first derivatives of such structure appeared as a result of borrowing from the Old Slavic language, where, in turn, they were the Greek calcues. Later, the new adjectives after the fashion of the Greek models have been formed on their own verbal base became ingrained in the Old Ukrainian language vocabulary. The form of their first part blaho– hasn’t changed. Such words can be called “word formulas”. At the same time, the semantics expansion of the adjective благий and the noun благо took place that enabled to expand the motivational base by involving verbs and nouns. Two main word-building models were formed: 1) adjective + noun + suffix; 2) adverb + adjective. The first component of all composites of such structure had exclusively positive semantics, preserved the old Church Slavonic meaning of an adjective благий.

Most of the composites with the first component blaho– were found in the monuments of the 11–13th centuries which is primarily due to the religiosity of the entire culture of that time. Much less of such composites were found in the old Ukrainian (Ruthenian) days while their almost complete absence can be stated in modern Ukrainian literary language. This phenomenon is quite motivated. The analyzed composites being initially the book elements were alien to the living folk language, therefore they did not “assimilate” to it.

Keywords: compound adjectives, composites, Church Slavonic words, blaho, word-building model, word-building semantics.


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