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» Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Ukrainian Language №3 (67) 2018 » Ukrainian Academic Onomastics: Past, Present, Future

Ukrainian Academic Onomastics: Past, Present, Future

Journal Ukrainian Language №3 (67) 2018
UDC 81’373.2

Svіatoslav Verbych
Doctor of philological sciences, Senior Researcher оf Department of History of Ukrainian Language and Onomastics of Instituteе for Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian
4 Hrushevskoho St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е- mail: sviatoverb@ukr.net

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the basic stages of becoming Ukrainian academic onomastics that was conceived in 50th of ХХ century and it is related to activity the onomastic group in the Potebnia Institute of Linguistics. Attention is drawn to development of its main directions and ideas – etymological research of hydronymy, anthroponimy, oikonimy and ethnonymy on the basis of the traditions of comparative-historical linguistics. It is dealt with most important problems of modern research: the etymology of personal, geographical and ethnic names on the basis of systematic and historicism; lexicographic study of the main classes of onymi – anthroponyms, hydronyms and oiconyms; analysis of modern onimicon of Ukraine in According to current spelling norms of modern Ukrainian language; systematization of the work of the Ukrainian onomastis and the conclusion of bibliographic pointers on onomastics. We reviewed the achievements of the Ukrainian academic onomastic cell through the prism of the works of its scientists – numerous monographs, collections of scientific works, historical-etymological dictionaries of hydronyms and oikonimes, among which the periodical edition «Studios on onomastics and etymology» deserves special attention. It is specially noted for cooperation of the Onomaste staff of the Ukrainian Language Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with regional onomastic centers and popularization of the results of national onomastic research outside Ukraine. We outlined the main tasks of the Ukrainian academic onomastics for the future, among which: to develop Ukrainian onomastic science on the basis of objective (from the description and characteristics of a particular ominous fact to the formulation of the concept) analysis of the onymic material; to expand the empirical basis of onomastic research; to promote the results of onomastic studies among students of national universities.

Keywords: onomastics, research on names, toponymics, principles of systemicity and historicism, comparative-historical linguistics, onomastics department of the Ukrainian language Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.


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