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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Ukrainian Language - №2 (70) 2019 » Text structures – verbalizers of category of logicality in the economic writings of Ivan Franko

Text structures – verbalizers of category of logicality in the economic writings of Ivan Franko

Journal Ukrainian Language – №2 (70) 2019
UDC 81’38

Zoriana Vysotska
Candidate of Philological  Sciences,  Department of Language and psychological-pedagogical training,  Odessa National University of Economics
8  Preobrazhenskaya St., Odessa 65000, Ukraine
E-mail: visotskaz@ukr.net

Olena Bohach
PhD in  Psychology,  Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Language and Psychological-Pedagogical Training of Odessa National Economic University
8 Preobrazhenskaya St., Odessa 65000, Ukraine
Е-mail: bogachhelen7@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Logic is a categorical sign of a scientific language that defines the structural and logical scheme of the organization of the text, and the properties and mechanisms of the deployment of this scheme, reflecting the development of thought in the text.

Among all functional styles of literary language logic is a differential feature of the scientific language itself, one of its most important parameters.

The urgency of the article is conditioned by the need for a comprehensive study of text structures that verbalize logical differences in the scientific text, in particular modal-logical, subject-logical, as well as text structures that ensure the connectivity and integrity of the text.

The article  focuses attention on the logic in the aspect of the consistent presentation of the conceptual content of the linguistic units with the meaning of certain logical-semantic relations between the concepts within the expressions of different degrees of complexity – from the individual sentence to the whole text.

In the sentence, the logical-semantic relation of concepts reflects modal-logical relations (relation with objective reality) and subject-logical relations.  In the language of economic works of I. Franko, the verbalizer of modal-logical relations is primarily a verb-predicate.  The relation of the qualification of the subject in the scientific text is realized with the conditional definition of this subject, in connection with the characterization of its properties and the comparison with other objects.

The implementation of logical relations in the scientific style is connected with the connectivity of the presentation.  This function in the economic writings of I. Franck is assigned to the indicative pronouns this (se), this (this).  They act as original markers of the author to draw the attention of the reader to a certain point in the development of thought, emphasize the importance of accentuated content, and, therefore, to convince the correctness of the above concept.

The implementation of logical relations in the scientific style is connected with the connectivity of the presentation.  This function in the economic writings of I. Franck is assigned to the indicative pronouns this (se), this (this).  They act as original markers of the author to draw the attention of the reader to a certain point in the development of thought, emphasize the importance of accentuated content, and, therefore, to convince the correctness of the above concept.

Another level of organizing the logic of the presentation in the scientific text is evidenced by the inserted constructs that organize the integrity of the text, subordination the structures of the proposal to its basic idea.

Keywords: text structures, logic of the scientific language, modal-logical and subject-logical relations, verbalization of the connectivity of the text, verbalization of the integrity of the text.


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