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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2021 » Journal Ukrainian Language – № 1(77) 2021 » VIOLATION OF THE LEXICAL NORM IN THE MODERN NEWSPAPER LANGUAGE


Journal Ukrainian Language – № 1(77) 2021
UDC 070.41:811.161.2’271.14

Mariia Ripei, Lecturer in the Department of Mass Media Language, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
49 Chuprynka St., Lviv 79044, Ukraine

E-mail: maria-kr@ukr.net

Heading: Contributions by Young Scholars
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article assesses language as a key component in the development of media linguistics. Given that the main purpose of “language criticism” is to identify and correct shortcomings, it is im-portant to critically assess both incorrect and correct options when dealing with language pro-ducts. The paper puts special emphasis on the language of the media which needs to be normative. The author explores the development of newspaper language in terms of lexical norm vio la tion in the 1920s and 1930s.

This article discusses equivalents to non-normative use of words in the daily all-Ukrainian newspaper The Day, one of the most popular publications in the ranking of national media. On the basis of various monolingual dictionaries of Standard Ukrainian and bilingual Russian-Ukrainian dictionaries, the author analyzes the use of tokens/lexemes napruha ‘voltage’, vidbyvaty‘to reflect’, pizniše ‘later’ in newspaper publications. Thus, the word napruha ‘voltage’ should be used only as a technical, physical term; in other cases it is napružennia ‘tension’. When it comes to expression, reproduction, an embodiment in images, it is correct to use vidobražaty ‘to reflect, re-mind of’, viddzerkaluvaty ‘to mirror’ but not vidbyvaty ‘to reflect’. As for pizniše ‘later’, it indicates a period after the time mentioned. It differs in its lexical meaning from zhodom ‘afterwards’ (some time after something) and potim ‘later’ (happening after something, following in time or space, no clear indication of time).

Keywords: non-normative use, lexeme, dictionaries, newspaper publications.


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ВТССУМ2 — Movchan, P.M., Nimchuk, V.V., Klichak, V.Y. (eds.) (2009). Large Explanatory Dictionary of Modern Ukrainian. Kyiv (in Ukrainian).
РУСНТ МФТН — Heichenko, V.V., Zaviriukhina, et al. (eds.) (1998). Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary of Scientific Terminology: Mathematics. Physics, and Machinery. Earth and Space Sciences. Kyiv (in Russian and Ukrainian).
РУСНТ СН — Andersh, J.D., Vorobiova, S.V., et al. (eds.) (1994). Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary of Scientific Terminology: Social Sciences. Kyiv (in Russian and Ukrainian).
РУС — Russian-Ukrainian Dictionary, 3 vols. (1980–1981). Kyiv (in Russian and Uk rainian).
РУСС — Bashnyakova, N.P., Vishnevaya, et al. (eds.) (1995). Russian-Ukrainian dictionary of Synonyms. Kyiv (in Russian and Ukrainian).
ССУМ — Buriachok, A.A., Hnatiuk, H.M., et al. (eds.) (1999–2000). Dictionary of Synonyms of the Ukrainian Language, 2 vols. Kyiv (in Ukrainian).
СУМ — Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language, 11 vols. (1970–1980). Kyiv (in Ukrainian).
СУМ ONLINE — Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language ONLINE. URL: https://services.ulif.org.ua/expl/Entry/index?wordid=56140&page=1790 (in Ukrainian).
УРС — Ilyin, V.S., Doroshenko, K.P., et al. (eds.) (1976). Ukrainian-Russian Dic-tionary. Kyiv (in Ukrainian and Russian).


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