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» Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Ukrainian Language - №2 (70) 2019 » Emotional nomination tears in the Ukrainian poetic texts of the end of XXth – the beginning of XXIst centuries

Emotional nomination tears in the Ukrainian poetic texts of the end of XXth – the beginning of XXIst centuries

Journal Ukrainian Language – №2 (70) 2019
UDC 821.161.2-1:81'37:159.942.3

Hanna Diadchenko
Candidate of Philological  Sciences, Department of Language Training for Foreign Citizens, Sumy State University
2 Rymskoho-Korsakova St., Sumy 40007, Ukraine
Е-mail: h.dyadchenko@drl.sumdu.edu.ua

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In the article the development of imaginative paradigm with the lexical and semantic center “tears” in the language of modern Ukrainian poetry of the end of XXth – the beginning of XXIst centuries is observed. The poetic creative work of the end of ХХth – beginning of the ХХІth centuries is marked by the traditional and innovative approaches uniting. Its major principles are creative liberty, stylistic eclectics, imaginative and lingual relaxedness which may grow to the anti-poetics of artistic script, aesthetic relativity, creative destruction, etc.

Modern authors’ turning to the stylistic heterogeneous artistic means is brightly illustrated in the process of imaginative paradigm with the lexical and semantic center “tears” artistic modelling. So, in the article the development of latter in the language of modern Ukrainian poetry of the end of XXth – the beginning of XXIst centuries is observed. The author convinces that emotional nomination “tears” is a productive medium of imaginative and illustrative as well as expressive and evaluative man’s portrayal.

In the article the basic tendencies of external (occasional) as well as psychological and emotional portrayal of a contemporary person are also traced. The imaginative structures of the “external portrayal” micro paradigm inside the paradigm been analyzed are sporadic. They first of all testify phenomenon of semantic shift: physical feelings (optic and taste) are been associated with the person’s psychic sphere.

The basic segment of the imaginative paradigm with the lexical and semantic center “tears” is presented by the micro paradigm devoted to the psychic and emotional portrayal. Firstly these are the characteristics with the ‘size’, ‘heaviness’ and ‘temperature’ meaning modelling semes. Person’s hard feelings and psychological states are mostly modelled through the micro images with the dominant seme ’heaviness’. Through the antonymic images “laugh” – “tears” context cohesion oxymoron structures meaning the contradictory, emotionally charged psychological states of certain person are created.

All the contexts analyzed are united with the integrative meaning of the soul pain and suffer. Such tendency is proved with the components of the imaginative paradigmatic rows tears → jewelry and tears → weapon. First one testifies the influence of the folk tradition to the modern poets’ lingual creativity, another one can be observed as a signal of the modern authors’ stylistic search.

The integral semantics for the majority of the imaginative structures analyzed is meaning of soul pain and suffering. The evaluative aspect of the images which are the components of the paradigm with the noun “tears” as lexical and semantic center testifies the stylistic appraisal change from the positive to negative one.

Keywords: imaginative paradigm, lexical and semantic center, external portrayal, psychological and emotional portrayal, imaginative paradigmatic line, evaluativity.


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УМ 2000 – Ukrainian Language: Encyclopaedia. (2000). Kyiv: Ukr. entsyklopediia (in Ukr.).


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