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» Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Ukrainian Language - №2 (70) 2019 » Derivational classes of Ukrainian verbs compared with inflectional classes

Derivational classes of Ukrainian verbs compared with inflectional classes

Journal Ukrainian Language – №2 (70) 2019
UDC 811.161.2,06,373

Iuliia Romaniuk
PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher of the Department of Lexiсology, Lexicography and Structural and Mathematical Linguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е- mail: ju.romaniuk@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The purpose of the article was to determine the word-formative classes of the verbs, to substantiate the criteria for the allocation of classes of Ukrainian verbs, to predict the division of verbs into classes and the division of these classes into the core and periphery. We propose to select the verb word-formation classes according to criteria such as the Criterion of the basis, the Criterion of word-formation value and the Criterion of the common categorical lexical value. The last Criterion is an integral lexical sema, a common categorical lexical meaning, which finally divides the verbs into word-forming classes. This is the meaning of the movement, as in the verb їздити, or the meaning of speech, as in the verb казати. All the verbs with meaning of movement combine by these criteria into the one class. Summarizing the above results of the preliminary analysis of word-formation classes of Ukrainian verbs, it can be argued that for such a classification the semantic criteria are the most important. However, the aggregate of word-building classes as a special type of classification of verbs based on their forms and semantics requires a detailed study to specify the criteria for their selection, verification of the quantitative characteristics of their division into typical, forming the core of the system of modern verb word formation, and unique, belonging to the periphery of such a system. A reliable solution to this problem will contribute to the survey of a sufficiently indicative set of multi-structured verbs, taking into account a wide range of not only systematic but also textual features of their forms and semantics.

Keywords: the typical paradigm, the verb, the word formation, the word-formation class, the word-inflection class.


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