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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Ukrainian Language – №3 (71) 2019 » The linguistic personality of Ivan Kotliarevsky: from a novice rhymer to the founder of the modern ukrainian literary language

The linguistic personality of Ivan Kotliarevsky: from a novice rhymer to the founder of the modern ukrainian literary language

Journal Ukrainian Language – №3 (71) 2019
UDC 821.161.2.09 Котляревський

Mykola Stepanenko,
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Rector Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University
2 Ostrohradskyi St., Poltava 36003, Ukraine
Е-mail: myk_ivan@ukr.net

Iryna Pavlova
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, the head of the department of Ukrainian language, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University
2 Ostrohradskyi St., Poltava 36003, Ukraine
Е-mail: poltfilolog@ukr.net

Svitlana Pedchenko
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the department of Ukrainian language, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University
2 Ostrohradskyi St., Poltava 36003, Ukraine
Е-mail: svpedchenko@gmail.com


THE LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY OF IVAN KOTLIAREVSKY: FROM A NOVICE rhymer to the founder of the modern ukrainian literary language

Heading: Researches

Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article systemically deals with the issue of Ivan Kotliarevsky’s linguistic personality. In particular, the paper has ascertained the patterns of the language development through the specific speaker – a linguistic personality with their range of linguistic potentials as a challenge of the corresponding epoch. The authors stress that the Ukrainian linguistic personality, in accordance with its genetic nature, is a specific and unique phenomenon because of being formed in the environment of permanent restrictions, prohibitions, and lack of acceptance. Great emphasis is put on the fact that Ivan Kotliarevsky was not an exception from this traditionalized social rule. The article presents a sociolinguistic portrait of the Moscow-governed Ukraine from Eneida times together with its immanent characteristics, primarily the linguistic polyphony (the Slavonic language, Russian, Old Ukrainian, folk Ukrainian). It also provides the detailed information on the linguistic situation of the 18th century, first and foremost, the time period when the author of “Eneida”, “Natalka from Poltava”, “Muscovite the Sorcerer” was starting his long artistic journey. The linguistic creativity of Ivan Kotliarevsky, his connections with the predecessors and followers are the main concerns of the paper. It sheds light upon the matter of the Ukrainian linguistic personality and Kotliarevsky’s linguistic personality as the former’s integral part. The futurological orientation of the latter together with its significant presence in the history of the 19th-21st centuries further contribute to the fact that Ivan Kotliarevsky is a creative elite linguistic personality with an original linguistic toolkit. The main accomplishments of this masterful writer include the travesty and burlesque mask of Eneida hiding the linguistic and cultural treasures of Ukraine represented by the implicit concept of NATION (MOTHERLAND, UKRAINE, COSSACK STATE). The main features of the linguistic creativity of Kotliarevsky include the orientation toward the general national linguistic complex, and not only one specific language dialect; using the lexical and phraseological corpus of the living language in its entirety; masterful usage of stylistic capabilities of the language; creative utilization of the original pragmalinguistic means. After all these studies of the artistic evolution of Kotliarevsky, we can safely include the process of normalization of the Ukrainian language to the already ample list of the writer’s merits. The elite linguistic reasoning of Ivan Kotliarevsky in its various aspects is based on the collective linguistic creative process of the Ukrainian nation.

Keywords: Ivan Kotliarevskyi, elite linguistic personality, linguistic person, linguistic creativity, linguistic toolkit, folk colloquial language.



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