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» Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Ukrainian Language – №3 (71) 2019 » THE LINGUISTIC AND STYLISTIC FEATURES OF THE FILM “CYBORGS” BY A. SEITABLAIEV


Journal Ukrainian Language – №3 (71) 2019
UDC [81'246.2+323.1]:791.4(477)

Liudmyla PIdkuimukha
PhD, Candidate of Science in Philology, Senior Lecturer at the Ukrainian Language Department, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
2 Skovorody vul., Kyiv 04070, Ukraine
E-mail: liudmyla.pidkuimukha@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The problem of bilingualism is becoming more and more relevant given the current situation in the state. The article deals with the general sociolinguistic notions of bilingualism. Moreover, the language situation in Ukraine has been characterized. It has been found that multilingualism or bilingualism at the state level is a destructive process for the country.

In general, the usage of languages in military environment as well as in Ukraine is far from being homogenous. In a meantime, due to the surveys, Ukrainian language is native to 73% of ATO participants. This statistics is confirmed in the film “Cyborgs” (2017) by A. Seitablaiev in which two thirds of heroes are Ukrainian speaking. Soldiers’ language behavior as well as Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism has been analyzed based on this movie.

Specifically, the paper is devoted to the lexical-stylistic features of the characters’ speech. The proposed material explains the role of Ukrainian and Russian languages in the developing of servicemen images. It should be mentioned that the main characters use Ukrainian in their daily communication. Despite the fact that there are Russian speaking militaries on Ukrainian side, in the most of cases, Russian is spoken by pro-Russian separatists or officers from Russia Federation who take part in the battle for Donetsk Airport. So, ‘friends’ and ‘foes’, ‘we’ and ‘they’ are divided not only by ideological differences but also by language issues. In the film, surzhyk is used to typify characters (in case of “Staryi”) and describe ironic attitude to some questions (in case of “Serpen`”).

Furthermore, particular attention has been paid to the military lexicon and jargon as a means of forming the military’s language image. Modern Ukrainian military slang tends to create its own vocabulary. There are special jargon lexical items that describe battles for Donets airport, for instance, a way of life, to deport, hotel etc.

Keywords: language situation, bilingualism, language behavior, surzhyk, military vocabulary.



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