National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Institute of Ukrainian Language of NAS
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Scientific journal Ukrainian Language is registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as print media (Certificate: Series КВ № 12180 – 1064 ПР of January 12, 2007).
Included in the list of printed scientific specialized editions of Ukraine (Order of MES of Ukraine no528 from 12.05.2015)
Ukrainian Language, 2019, № 4(72)
UDC 811.161.2’42
I.A. Yaroshevich
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Business Linguistics at the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University
54/1 Victory Ave., Kyiv 03057, Ukraine
Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: In his Grammar, M. Smotrytsky systematically outlined the general principles of the that time grammatical theory on the basis of involvement in the analysis the traditional-literary material of Church Slavonic in the Eastern Slavonic edition, successfully combining it with elements of his native living Ukrainian language, which is especially evident in the illustrative material.
This article focuses on the problem of defining the basic concepts of grammar and its terminological expression on the material of irreversible parts of the language by M. Smotrytsky.
Considering the grammatical works of his predecessors, M. Smotrytsky creatively used them and created his own grammatical theory, refining and expanding its conceptual and terminological base.
According to the grammatical tradition of that time, M. Smotrytsky referred to the most part of the Grammar as Etymology. For this period, until the mid-nineteenth century, and even at the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists have designated one of the main sections of grammar – morphology. This section describes the doctrine of eight parts of the language, the first of which in Ukrainian studies singled out part of the language of interjection and removed the non-Slavic language article. M. Smotrytsky divided all parts of the language into two conceptual variants: cancelable and irrevocable.
Smotrytsky refers to the characteristic of the irrevocable classes of words (Adverb, Preposition, Union, Interjection) in two parts of grammar – morphology and syntax.
For the first time in Ukrainian linguistics, M. Smotrytsky raised the issue of syntactic communication of words in a sentence.
The scientist paid most attention to the consideration of the word-forming structure of non-cancelable word classes and to the detection of semantic digits.
The monument analyzed at the time was an ideal of theoretical elaboration of linguistic material, saturated with new concepts and terms that have been used and continue to be used by linguists in many Slavic terminological systems, unchanged or improved.
Keywords: Church Slavonic language, Old Ukrainian language, grammar, grammatical terminology, irreversible parts of the language.