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» Journal Issues » 2020 » Journal Ukrainian Language – №1 (73) 2020 » Conceptual paradigm of journalistic style in the academic project “Ukrainian style: encyclopedia”

Conceptual paradigm of journalistic style in the academic project “Ukrainian style: encyclopedia”

Journal Ukrainian Language – №1 (73) 2020
UDC 811.161.2’38:8 112

Tetiana Kots,
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Stylistics, Language Culture and Sociolinguistics,
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: tetyana_kots@ukr.net

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes the conceptual paradigm of journalistic style as a kind of literary language in the projection of writing articles to an encyclopedic edition of Ukrainian stylistics. Particular attention is paid to the establishment of differential features, journalistic style functions and its varieties (press languages, radio languages, television languages, Internet languages, advertising languages), coverage of the historiography of the relevant problem in Ukrainian linguistics. The interpretation of the style category in the context of the typology of linguistic thinking, the affirmation of the view of the history of literary language and its styles as phenomena, which are closely related to the philosophy of culture, the development of national consciousness.

We characterize the journalistic style as a functional kind of literary language, which provides the transmission, distribution in the national-linguistic space of sociopolitical, scientific, cultural information, performs the role of approval and regulation of the literary norm in accordance with the internal laws of the language and requests of the society. Steel communicative and pragmatic signs of style: accessible, logical presentation, use of semantically transparent, unam biguous lexical nominations with a clear evaluative connotation. The semanticaxiological mechanisms of manifestation of temporal, value, ideological, aesthetic landmarks of the epoch in connection with changes in the priorities of social and political life of the people are dynamic.

The journalistic style performs an informative, function of influencing the mass conscious ness of the society and a cumulative function.

The sphere of realization of journalistic style is the media that allow the existence of written (press language) and oral (radio language, television language, Internet language) forms of expression, which form the paradigm of the corresponding encyclopedic subcategories.

Keywords: journalistic style, press language, radio language, television language, Internet language, advertising language.



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