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  • Print ISSN 1682-3540
  • e-ISSN 2707-5249

Kyiv modern communicative space

Journal Ukrainian Language – №1 (73) 2020
UDC 811.161.2’246.2

Natalia Matveieva,
PhD student of the Department of Stylistics, Language Culture and Sociolinguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian language of  National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
E-mail: natalyaskiba93@ukr.net

Heading: Studies of Young Scientists
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Much research has been devoted to the problem of language situation and communicative space. In this study we have focused on the capital and functioning of the state language there.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the communicative space of Ukrainian capital.

The author provides evidence for heterogeneity and regionalization of Ukraine, and Kyiv as the capital is the reflection of all these differentiated processes. We have presented the data of several sociological surveys and made a conclusion that bilingualism and diglossia are widespread phenomena in our society. It has been found out that the Russian language dominated in communication of Kyiv residents in early XXI century. But we can outline positive changes in second decade of XXI century, in particular thanks to the processes of decommunization. As a result of that many streets and squares were renamed, and it has played a significant role for linguistic landscape of the capital.

Particular attention is paid to the fact that nowadays not only the Russian language, but also English, coexists with Ukrainian in Kyiv. In other words in Kyiv communicative space Ukrainian, Russian and English are widely used. On the basis of the Prostir svobody research it becomes obvious that Latin graphics in the names of cafes and shops in Kyiv is considered to be the most prestigious at present. In spite of this there is a reason to believe that the Ukrainian language will be the most spoken in the capital in the near future. The real people’s histories about the causes of codeswitching as well as the actions of many social organizations indicate that the Russian language will be forced out of communication among Ukrainians and it’s place will occupy Ukrainian as it must be with the state language.

Keywords: language situation, bilingualism, diglossia, language conflicts, communicative space, communicative situation, linguistic landscape.



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