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» Journal Issues » 2020 » Journal Ukrainian Language – №2 (74) 2020 » FRANKO’S CONCEPT OF THE TERM IN THE CONTEXT OF THE MODERN ANTHROPOCENTRIC PARADIGM


Journal Ukrainian Language – №2 (74) 2020
UDC 81.161.2’373:32

Yaroslav Yaremko, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Ukrainian Language Department, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University
24  Shevchenko St.,  Drohobych  82100, Ukraine

Е-mail: yaremkojar@ukr.net

Natalia Luzhetska, Ph. D. in Philology, Senior lecturer, Department of the English Language Practice, Ivan Franko Drohobych State Pedagogical University
24  Shevchenko St.,  Drohobych  82100, Ukraine

Е-mail: natalialuzhetska@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The figure of a prominent Ukrainian writer Ivan Franko and his innovation in the evolution of the Ukrainian political and linguocognitological thought, especially his original ideas about a new type of the interdisciplinary studies in the Ukrainian linguistics are outlined in the research. The article analyses cognitive and discourse approach to the assessment of linguistic phenomena, defining a language as a living system, distinguishes linguophilosophical thinking of Ivan Franko as a linguist-anthropocentrist. According to his reflections on the scientific language nature and its inseparable semantic core, a term, it is possible to regard the ideological basis inherited by modern interdisciplinary studies: cognitive linguistics, theory of communication, linguopolitology. Thanks to Ivan Franko’s intellectual innovations, they managed to establish the Ukrainian anthropological terminology.

According to Ivan Franko, pragmatic features merge into scientific definition along with a rational and logic explanation of a term context. They refer to emotion-esteem sphere of a speaker, their ideas and feelings. Thus, the scientist’s objectivism functions together with the publicist’s talent. When in the process of communication between its constituent entities, each of which creates his or her communicative-pragmatic space from the position of egocentrism, we experience cognitive conflicts or conflict situations, as a result, the communicative interaction is broken. The above observations give reasons to believe that Franko’s theory of suggestion has made the bridge to the modern theory of communication, which says: it is not so important what is said, but what is happening in the addressee. In other words: defining in the communication (exchanging of ideas, knowledge, feelings, behaviour patterns, etc) is not so much a communication code (language), but an internal, cognitive code, essence of man, his soul. This internal code is materialized in suggestion.

Keywords: Ivan Franko, school of political thinking, term-politonim, cognitive-discourse approach, pragmatic meaning, anthropological terminology.


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