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» Proper names in the modern language space of Ukraine: functioning, research, codification

Proper names in the modern language space of Ukraine: functioning, research, codification

Proper names in the modern language space of Ukraine: functioning, research, codification
UDC 811.161.2: 81.37

Sviatoslav Verbych, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Senior Researcher in the Department of History of the Ukrainian Language and Onomastics
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhailo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

E-mail: sviatoverb@ukr.net

Heading: Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyzes modern Ukrainian onomastic lexicography, in particular etymological, reference and translation dictionaries of onyms. The main attention is paid to two main types of onymic dictionaries – etymological and normative. Modern etymological dictionaries of oikonyms, hydronyms and anthroponyms (primarily proper personal names and surnames) are characterized. It is specially noted: 1) priority is given to historical and etymological dictionaries of oikonyms. They provide, first of all, the historical forms of a certain settlement name; a structural-semantic and etymological analysis is offered on the basis of the analysis and establishment of the historically primary name; 2) it is important to prepare and compile the «Etymological dictionary of surnames of residents of Ukraine». The author describes the features of normative dictionaries of onims that satisfy users’ requests for writing, creation, declension of a wide variety of proper names, reproduction of foreign onims in Ukrainian. These are orthographic, grammatical, word-formation dictionaries, dictionaries of the transfer of foreign onyms in the Ukrainian language. Emphasis is placed on the importance of orthographic dictionaries of anthroponyms (primarily surnames) and toponyms (primarily oikonyms) for modern speech practice, as well as derivational dictionaries of names of inhabitants of settlements and toponymic adjectives. There are many deviations from the norm in this area of functioning of proper names and derivative formations. The prospects of compiling a dictionary-handbook of the renamed names of settlements, which is important for modern Ukrainian society, are outlined.

Keywords: proper names, dictionaries of onyms, etymological dictionaries of onyms, normative dictionaries of onyms, katoikonyms, ononymous adjectives, codification of onyms.


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