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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 3 (87) 2023 » Punctuation norm in “Ukrainian orthography” of 2019: principles of formation and factors of codification

Punctuation norm in “Ukrainian orthography” of 2019: principles of formation and factors of codification

Journal Ukrainian Language – № 3 (87) 2023
UDC 811.161.2’35

Svitlana Bybyk, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor, Leading Researcher in the Department of Stylistics,
Culture of Language, and Sociolinguistics
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy
of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhailo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

E-mail: sbybyk2016@ukr.net

Heading: Discussions
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article offers an analysis of the modern rules of the Ukrainian literary language regarding the use of punctuation marks. A brief review of the works on the principles of Ukrainian punctuation is presented, taking into account the changing views of linguists on their priority for the formation of norms for the use of punctuation marks. It was noted that scientists pay quite active attention to the question of the history of the formation of punctuation marks, the state of development of the problem of the development of the punctuation system of the Ukrainian language: the set of used signs, the relevance of paying attention to punctuation against the background of orthography. A brief history of changes in the composition of the relevant sections in previous spellings from 1928 to the latest edition in 2019 is offered. A detailed analysis of changes in the modern spelling text, motivations for expanding the number of rules, introduction of new punctuation marks in connection with the development of computer typing, changes in documents on the organization of documentation in Ukraine is presented. Debatable points in the rules for the use of punctuation marks are noted. The prospects for studying the dynamics of Ukrainian punctuation in connection with changes in social and cultural factors of communication, in the stylistics of artistic lan-
guage are drawn.

Keywords: orthography, punctuation, principles of punctuation, punctuation mark, punctuation norm, codification.

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