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» Active processes in the modern Ukrainian political lexicon

Active processes in the modern Ukrainian political lexicon

Active processes in the modern Ukrainian political lexicon
UDC 811.161.2’373.46

Oksana Matkovska, Graduate Student in the Department of Lexicology, Lexicography and Structural-Mathematical Linguistics
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhaіlo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

E-mail: oksanavatamaniuk8@gmail.com

Heading: Young Scholars Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article examines centripetal-centrifugal processes in the modern Ukrainian political lexicon during 2019–2023. Both passivization and activation of certain groups of socio-political vocabulary belonging to STATE – ARMY – SOCIETY concepts have been established. To describe the studied material, the technique of identifying the functional potential of the nomination resource, i.e. the ability of the new vocabulary to create lexical associations: word-forming nests and series, synonymous series, antonymic oppositions, the spectrum of word combinations (paradigmatic, syntagmatic and epidigmatic (derivative) relations in the text) have been used. To describe the selected vocabulary the following criteria have been applied: 1) semantic volume of the lexeme in the political text compared to the lexicographic definition, 2) functional load, 3) pragmatic load of the lexical unit in the text.

It is concluded that political life in Ukraine in recent years has been significantly affected by the war, especially full-scale war. The war circumstances have changed the usual political rhetoric, the subject matter of texts and speeches on political topics and the language of such texts and speeches. The topics of inter-party struggle and pre-election battles have become irrelevant and this part of the lexicon has become passive, at least as long as the war continues and elections are not being held. Instead, patriotic and unifying rhetoric, military vocabulary in texts aimed at the Ukrainian audience as well as vocabulary that shows the struggle of Ukrainians for European values aimed at the international audience have become increasingly active.

Keywords: the language of politics, political vocabulary, socio-political vocabulary, dynamics, functional potential of the nomination resource, pragmatic potential of the word.


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