Olesia Hordiienko, Graduate student іn the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhaіlo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
E-mail: lesiahordiienko@gmail.com
Heading: Young Scholars Articles
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The main problems of phonetic-graphic mastery and spelling of the latest borrowings in the modern Ukrainian communicative space.
The article highlights the main problems in the phonetic adaptation of the latest borrowed lexemes that have recently begun to enter or have already entered the Ukrainian communicative space. It has clarified the reasons for their inconsistent transmission to the mass media.
In phonetic adaptation, foreign consonants and vowels from the phonetic systems of English, German, Spanish, and French languages, are replaced with Ukrainian consonants and vowels that are phonetically close to them. However, this process is inconsistent and often leads to the appearance of phonetic variants of new lexemes.
The study presents a list of consonant and vowel sounds that often need to be corrected or more consistently adapted to the norms of Ukrainian orthography and orthoepy in modern written mass media discourse.
In the system of consonantism, the cases of inconsistent transmission in common names of sounds are analyzed: [g] is transmitted in writing by letters г and ґ (гаджет − ґаджет, гайд − ґайд); [h] is transmitted in writing by letters г and x (гакатон − хакатон, лайфгак − лайфхак, стейголдер − стейкхолдер).
In the system of vocalism, the non-normative use of the letter и in common names after the letters д, т, з (дз), с, ц, ж (ж), х, ш, р before the next consonant (except й) was fixed in such words as стрім (instead стрим), стрімити (instead стримити), стрімінговий (instead стримінговий), etc.; inconsistent transmission of the English open vowel [æ] by the Ukrainian sounds [е] and [а] (letters е and а) in such words as айпад − айпед, геймпад − геймпед, тачпад − тачпед, омбудсман − омбудсмен; inconsistent adaptation of the English diphthong [ei], for example, донейт – донат, бейгл − багел.
It has been noted the correct transmission of the neo-borrowings in Ukrainian mass media according to the norms of the current Ukrainian spelling is still limited.
Keywords: neo-borrowings, anglicisms, phonetic adaptation, transliteration, transcription.
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