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  • e-ISSN 2707-5249
» Journal Issues » 2020 » Journal Ukrainian Language – №3 (75) 2020 » ARCHITECTONICS OF DIALECT TEXT (EXPEREMENTAL PHONETIC ANALYASIS)


Journal Ukrainian Language – №3 (75) 2020
UDC 811.161.2’342’28

Nataliia Verbych,
Candidate of philological sciences, Senior Researcher оf Department of Dialectology, Institute for Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukrainian
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

Е-mail: nataljaverbich@ukr.net
https://orсid.org/ 0000-0003-3373-6332

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:  Phonetics of Ukrainian dialects has long been and remains the object of analysis. Separate articles and thorough monographic studies confirm this. Researchers consider to describing the system-structural originality of speeches, establishing the composition of segmental units in different dialects, their significance in the phonological system of the dialect, systematizing knowledge about the manifestations and relationships of phonemes. Super segmental differences of Ukrainian dialects are insufficiently studied.

Intonation is a collection of sound linguistic means that are used to express semantic, emotional, expressive and modal character of the phrase, communicative meaning and situational conditionality, stylistic color of the text and the individuality of dialect speakers’ expressive techniques. The value of intonation in organization of oral speech is determined by its function – segmentation, structuring and selection.

The paper studies the intonation parameters that ensure the integrity of the text and perform the function of connecting its individual elements. The author described the super segmental organization of a dialect text, identified and explored prosodic means not only of a single word, phrase or phrase, described the relationship of these units within the text, taking into account its content and structure. The article focuses on the features of segmentation of the dialectal speech. This study shows the difference between real sound file and his fixing during an auditory analysis. Much attention is given to the difference between a syntax and real articulation of broadcasting.

The study demonstrates that the intonation structure of the dialect text as a kind of spontaneous speech is peculiar. In dialect narratives, the relationship between syntax and pauses (as the most important markers of segmentation) is much more complex than in a read or pre-prepared text. In spontaneous dialect narratives, the correlation between content and form shifts due to the simultaneity and synchronicity of the processes of thinking, planning, and producing thought. In some parts of the text there is a violation of formal and grammatical connections, the boundaries of phrases / syntagmas are blurred, their prosodic design has no clear delimitative features, as in codified speech, which leads to variance in the division of the text into separate segments.

Keywords: dialect narratives, intonation, contour, pitch, pause.


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