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» Journal Issues » 2020 » Journal Ukrainian Language – №4(76) 2020 » AGAT-SYNTAX AS COMPONENT OF COMPUTER-BASED UKRAINIAN GRAMMAR


Journal Ukrainian Language – №4(76) 2020
UDC 811.161.2’42:004

Nataliia Darchuk, Ph.D, professor at the Department of the Ukrainian language and applied linguistics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
14 Taras Shevchenko Bvld., Kyiv 01601, Ukraine

E-mail: nataliadarchuk@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:  The article describes functional features of the syntactic module of computer-based Ukrainian grammar AGAT. This is a linguistic type of computer-aided syntactic analysis, which provides full information about syntactic units and categories, in particular, predicativity, coordinate and subordinate clauses, the categories of subject and predicate etc. The developed linguistic software provides syntactic analysis of a whole sentence in the form of a dependency tree and indicates the types of syntactic relations and links.

The AGAT-syntax task is to identify all varieties of compatibility – predicative, subordinate, and coordinate – of each word in the text. The grammatical characteristics of the phrase directly depend on which part of the language its keyword belongs to. The lexical and grammatical nature of the word determines its compatibility to the other words. Accordingly, phrases can be divided into substantive, adjective, pronouns, numeral, verbal and adverbial. Computer sub-grammars of valencies of the said parts of the language are built by us on a single principle: a lexema is indicated, preposition that participates in government and a case of a substantive word form in the shape of a two-letter code. In theory, according to their composition words combinations (phrases) are divided into simple, complex and combined.

Dependency tree is built from two elements – nodes and connections. Nodes are wordforms and connections are relationships between the main element (“master”) and dependent element (“slave”). It enables to describe a configuration, a form, external parameters of a sentence but this is not sufficient to describe a sentence structure. Thus, the syntactic analysis has two levels: the first one attributes to each binary pair a type of syntactic relationships on the level of morphological way of expression of a “master”; the second level attributes to the connection a type of syntactic relationships, which include: subjective, objective, attributive, adverbial, completive and appositive modifying..

In such a way, the cycle of automated syntactic analysis of Ukrainian texts is completed by determining the syntactic word-combination, identifying a type of syntactic link and a type of relationship. It provides full range of characteristics that can be used for systemic study of semantic and syntactic problems.

Keywords: automated syntactic analysis, dependency tree, syntactic relations, syntactic links.



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