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» The linguistic and aesthetic sign of culture “space” in the poetic discourse of the neoclassic

The linguistic and aesthetic sign of culture “space” in the poetic discourse of the neoclassic

The linguistic and aesthetic sign of culture “space” in the poetic discourse of the neoclassic
UDC 811.161.2’42:801.631.5

Alyona Palash, PhD in Philology, Junior Researcher in Department of Stylistics, Language Culture and Sociolinguistics
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Mykhailo Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

E-mail: palash706@gmail.com

Heading: Young Scholars Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article comprehensively analyzes the language-aesthetic sign of culture (MEZK) “space” in the language creation of the neoclassicists, which is represented by the linguistic images of the city, of Kyiv. The mechanisms of linguistic aestheticization of the word-concept city in the poetic discourse of the neoclassics are traced, which is associated with the identification and description of images-concretizers of its spatial, architectural, social infrastructure (house, castle, townhouse, lantern, etc.). The image of the city testifies to the formation and realization of conventional and modern associations, and the stylistic means and models of city description serve as a marker of the authors’ involvement/affiliation with modernism. Kyiv in the national picture of the world belongs to cultural and historical phenomena and is one of the representative fragments of space in the neoclassical linguistic worldview. In the neoclassical reception, Kyiv is a space of history and culture of the Ukrainian people.  The figurative and semantic structure of the eponymous cultural sign is modeled by the semes ‘past’, ‘present’, and ‘future’. In specific contexts, it is concretized by the images of Kyivan Rus, Rusychs, princes (Sviatoslav, Yaroslav, Ihor), and the image of beauty.

Keywords: linguistic and aesthetic sign of culture, word-concept, image, linguo-aesthetics, modernism, poetic discourse of the neoclassics, national identity.


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