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» The image of the mother in Polish and Ukrainian paremias

The image of the mother in Polish and Ukrainian paremias

The image of the mother in Polish and Ukrainian paremias
UDC 811.161.2+811.162.1]ʼ373.7-055.2

Iryna ShkitskaDoctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor of the Department of Information and Sociocultural Activity
West Ukrainian National University
11 Lvivska St., Ternopil 46009, Ukraine

Е-mail: i.shkitska@gmail.com

Heading: Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with a comparison of the representation of the image of the mother in Polish and Ukrainian paremias. The author describes nominations for the designation of mother, recorded on the phraseological and paremic material of the Polish and Ukrainian languages. The article determines that the range of Ukrainian nominations for the designation of a woman-mother is much wider compared to Polish ones, and Ukrainian paremias also testify to a greater number of affectionate forms of motherʼs names. Using the example of Polish and Ukrainian paremias, the author defines the role of the mother in raising children, shows the attitude to motherhood in traditional Polish and Ukrainian cultures, and characterizes the image of a husbandʼs mother, reflected in phraseological and paremiological material.

The article reveals that in the cultures under investigation, a woman-mother is compared to the sun, poppy flower, flower of life, summer, warmth, and own house, as well as representatives of the animal world who take care of their children. The image of the mother in Polish and Ukrainian paremiological units is associated with loyalty, kindness, unconditional love, care, and generosity.

The phraseological and paremiological material of both languages represents the oppositions “mother – wife”, “father – mother”, “mother – stepmother”, which emphasize the idea that the mother is an irreplaceable and important person in the life of every person.

In Polish and Ukrainian cultures, the image of the mother undergoes sacralization, the phraseological and paremic material shows the leading role of the mother in raising children, as well as the determination of their fate by the fate of the mother. The author reveals the negative characteristics of the mother, represented in Polish and Ukrainian paremias. Paremias, in which a woman-mother is portrayed in an unfavorable light, constitute a small group: they condemn women who do not take care of their children, spoil them, lead an immoral lifestyle, or behave irresponsibly or unwisely and are untidy.

Keywords: image of the mother, Polish, Ukrainian, paremias, proverbs, sayings, nominations, means of verbalizing of motherhood.


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