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» Journal Issues » 2017 » Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (62) 2017 » LANGUAGE FEATURES OF THE FIRST UKRAINIAN PRAYER BOOK


Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (62) 2017
UDC 811.161.2’255:27-23

Natalia Puriaieva
PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher of the Department of History of the Ukrainian Language and Onomastics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi st., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: puriajeva123@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Analysis of the language of the I. Pului “Prayer book for Russ people” (Vienna, 1871) clearly demonstrates the intention of the translator to embody the concept of the new Ukrainian literary language that would organically combine its two regional versions – the Dnieper and Galician. That very approach was subsequently implemented in the translation of the Bible, on which I. Pului worked together with P. Kulish. We can assume that herewith I. Pului has directly followed the prescriptions of P. Kulish, or the translation has been edited by the writer. Thus, the language of “The prayer book” combines the features of different Ukrainian dialects (north and eastern (prepositions and prefixes од, зо-, надо-, відо-; soft group of adjectives: вічній, гріховній; form of third person of pronouns with adverbs without opening н (до іого, в іому), south-eastern forms of nouns in Dative case with -ові, -еві as opposed to western -ови, -еви); western features [і] instead of [о], [е], [и] (пімстою, трівожать, крівавих), огонь and derivatives without prosthesis, comparatives with suffix -іщ- without й (чесніщу, славніщу), etc.

The impact of P. Kulish is also noticeable in the use of linguistic techniques to create high style, suitable for liturgic and prayer texts. This was contributed by the consistent use of archaic, morphological and grammatical forms, vocabulary typical to Old Ukrainian language and partially preserved in some dialects. Thus, the distinctive feature of this translation is the consistent use of archaic forms: active participles of present and past time (животворящий, плачущий; родивша, явившийся), passive past participle (приносимі, славимий, поклоняємий); personal archaic form of the verb to be (єси, єсть) and forms of perfect (полюбив єси, обдарив єси, явив єси) archaic imperative forms of verb (умножи, исправи, умоли; прийдіте, хваліте). Among the most expressive morphological and phonetic signs there are forms without phonetically expected sound-change of [o], [e] into [i] in the newly created closed syllables and unstressed open syllables (бісовська, рек, немочним), formants -енн- (гріхопаденнє, воскресеннє), -ость (милость, марностю, благость, etc.).

Keywords: The first Prayer Book in Ukrainian, I. Pului.


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