Halyna Siuta
PhD in Philology, Researcher of the Department of Stylistics, Language Culture and Sociolinguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е- mail: siutagalia@gmail.com
Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The receptive aesthetics and poetics theories are characterized in the context of the paradigms’ studying of the artistic text / creative work renovation, revision of the ideas about the mechanisms of its reception.
The receptive aesthetics and poetics growth is lighted up taking into consideration the European investigators’ points of view and Ukrainian sources. In connection with told above it is stressed on the scientific predictability of the ideas of the work by І. Franko “From the secrets of the poetic creation”. For modern receptive poetics such ideas are valuable: а) the theory of artistic creative work / text reception, methodology of its analyses must be based on the achievements of psychology; b) the predominating factors of creating and reception of the literary works are author’s and reader’s feelings and impressions; c) awakening in the reader’s consciousness the intellectual and emotional information foreseen by the author creates the ideal conditions for the creative work / text reception; d) understanding of texts and creative activity of the author in the whole depends upon time of their reception.
Proportionality of the Franko’s ideas with the receptive methodology of the artistic text investigation is confirmed by the terms aesthetics, inductive aesthetics, perception, reception, interpretation, resonance, etc.
In the intellectual space of modern philology the receptive poetics is represented as an integrative model of the text studying. It foresees the understanding of the peculiarities of the reception based on the taking into account of the psychological and lingual mechanisms of influence of the artistic work on the recipient through the appealing to his individual sensual and emotional experience.
Keywords: receptive aesthetics, receptive poetic, psychological mechanisms of the reception, lingual and cognitive mechanisms of the reception, treatise by І. Franko «From the secrets of the poetic creation».