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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2019 » Journal Ukrainian Language – №3 (71) 2019 » REACTUALIZATION OF PREFIX-SUFFIX VERBS IN UKRAINIAN SCIENTIFIC AND PUBLICIST TEXTS OF THE FIRST TWO DECADES OF XXI CENTURY


Journal Ukrainian Language – №3 (71) 2019
UDC 81’367.625

Larysa Kolibaba
PhD in Philology, Senior Research Scientist of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: kolibaba.lm@meta.ua

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Desubstantive verbs of perfective aspect with prefixes u-(v-), une-(vne-), zne- are actively used in Ukrainian scientific and publicist texts of the first two decades of ХХІ centuries. These verbs belong to the actualized language units. They are recorded in the lexicographic sources of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and today they are quite productive models for creating new verbs.

The analyzable prefix-suffix word-formation types of verbs motivated by nouns and adjective constantly attract attention scientists, who, however, evaluate the expediency of their active use in modern linguistic practice differently and sometimes very controversial. It is determined by the fact that the one-word prefix-suffix verbs are much more compact than deployed analytical verbal-noun formations, and that is why considerably more advantageous from the point of view of language economy that provides their practical advantage in a language use. However, if one part of the speakers during the choice of a two- or one-word name for the naming of actions, processes or states follows this especially practical factor, then the other – motivates its choice by the criterion related to one of the typological features of the Ukrainian language – its verbal character, which distinguishes it from Russian and converges with Polish. Some Ukrainian linguists believe that the analyzable word-formation models of verbs spread in the Ukrainian language under act of Polish, in that they are productive enough, and from it does not recommend them for use.

The return to the active use of autochthonous word-formation models is a positive trend in the development of the Ukrainian literary language of beginning of ХХІ of century, as it contributes to the purification of its system from inorganic units for it. At the same time modern linguistic practice testifies to the competition and the struggle between word-formation and grammatical means that correspond to the national priorities of society and those that reflect the linguistic tastes of individual speakers.

Keywords: prefix-suffix verbs, reactualization, word-formation type, prefix, suffix.



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