Journal Ukrainian Language №1 (61) 2017
UDC 811.161.2’36:81’367.622/.633
Sergij Omelchuk
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, docent, pro-rector for scientific work of Kherson State University, Professor of the Department of Slavic Phiology, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
27 Universytetska St., Kherson 36003, Ukraine
Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: This article proposes the study of the normative functioning of preposition-noun constructions for indication of writing words with a hyphen in linguistic and linguodidactic discourses. The tendency of usage of prepositions with and through with a noun hyphen were defined in “Ukrainian orthography” in editions of different years (1928 – 2011), as well as in works of native scientists and linguists of the first half of the XX – XXI centuries. Grammatical peculiarities of foreign equivalents of terminal unity of Ukrainian prepositions and nouns were determined in German, English, Polish, Belarusian, Russian languages.
Depending on the main component of terminological word-combination of the preposition with in the instrumental case of the noun hyphen shows the attributive meaning in combination with the deverbative writing ‘writing with a hyphen’; the adverbial modified meaning of manner in combination with a verb and verbal forms – infinitive, verbal form ending on –no, participle, gerund ‘writing with a hyphen’, ‘was written with a hyphen’, ‘that is written with a hyphen’, ‘written with a hyphen’.
Non-prepositional constructions are widely used in the modern teaching works of orthography and oral scientific speech, explaining the presence of a hyphen in the word: ‘we use hyphen in words …’; ‘… put a hyphen’; ‘we have to write hyphen in words …’; ‘hyphen writing is common for words …’ and so on.
The factual material, which was analyzed in the article, illustrates antonymic relationships between the structures to indicate presence or absence of a hyphen in words, such as ‘write with space’ – ‘write without space’. Exactly the reposition with(+ Ninst), but not a preposition through (+ Nacc), enters in antonymic relationships with preposition without (+ Ngen). Thus, to the vector antonyms, denoting the mutual opposition in writing, belong terminological word-combinations ‘write with a hyphen’ ↓↑ ‘writing without hyphen’.
According to the semantic relations, on which prepositions with and through point out in combination with the noun hyphen, we consider preposition-noun word-form with a hyphen a normative one, which gets a wide extension in publications of “Ukrainian orthography” of the first half of the twentieth century and in works by M. Nakonechny, I. Ogienko, O. Sinyavsky, Yu. Shevelev.
Keywords: non-literal orthographical, terminological word-combinations, preposition-noun word-form, semantic and syntactic relations, writing with a hyphen.
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