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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2017 » Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (62) 2017 » CREATIVE POTENTIAL OF YEVHEN PASHKOVSKYI’S NEOLEXICON


Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (62) 2017
UDC 811.161.2’373.43’611 Пашковський

Olena Diundyk
PhD in Philology, Junior Researcher of the Department of Lexicology, Lexicography and Structural-Mathematical Linguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е- mail: olena.diundyk@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: Yevhen Pashkovskyi is a modern Ukrainian writer, whose creative language drags attention of readers and researchers. His flowery language i. e. creating words that he uses in his writing is the main feature of his style. Y. Pashkovskyi uses a lot of neologisms in his novels. Y. Pashkovskyi’s word formation is determined as postmodern. It means, that it’s ruled by the author`s aim rather than language normativity. The most characteristic methods of creating new words in the postmodern text are word formation and compilation of stems.

A significant number of new words from Y. Pashkovskyi’s neolexicon have clear semantics and were built by models and norms of the Ukrainian language. However, there are a number of new words that violate the rule and created by analogy, for example, derivation by similarity, which is also important characteristic of Y. Pashkovskyi’s neologisms.

In this article affixation as a way of making new words in Y. Pashkovskyi neolexicon is analyzed. There is a number of typical affixes specific to author’s vocabulary. They not only help to create a new word, but also linking semantic fabric of the text. Actualization in the text formants with common formal semantic features allows the reader to carry out certain analogies, to compare described ideas, sometimes has the effect of condensation meanings in the text.

Mostly, word formation of Y. Pashkovskyi’s neologisms are based on the traditions of the Ukrainian language, in this case, new words are clear in semantics. However, there is deliberate violation of word creative standards, which result in the creation of original forms of lexemes. Values of these neologisms are often revealed only contextually.

Semantic analysis of author’s derivatives has also been observed. If prefixes mostly help create verbs from nouns, adjectives or other verbs, suffixes, in turn, give new shades of meaning to nouns. There are also a lot of examples of using confixes while creating new words by Y. Pashkovskyi.

Keywords: neologism, word formation, affixation, analogy in word formation, Yevhen Pashkovskyi.


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