Journal Ukrainian Language №4 (64) 2017
UDC 811.161.2’24:81’373.46
Omelchuk Serhiі
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, docent, pro-rector for scientific work of Kherson State University, Professor of the Department of Slavic Phiology, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine
36003, Ukraine, Kherson, 27 Universytetska st.
Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The article investigates the normative functioning of term phrases work with text and work on text in the linguistic didactic discourse.
Component analysis allowed us to determine a semantic organization of terms work with text and work on text on the basis of a complex analysis of scientific sources and lexicographic works. It is proved that terms work with text and work on text in Ukrainian linguistic didactic science denote different methodical concepts. Work with text in the meaning of a methodical technique involves the implementation of mental actions on a certain didactic material. It means comprehension and analysis of the text. Work on the text is a productive activity based on the creation (composition, writing, modeling, etc.) of a speech utterance. Such constructions are structurally incomplete, but they are complete semantically. In the absence of a lexically expressed deverbative, the semantic load falls on a semantically and structurally obligatory object with the meaning of the object of an action.
Using the method of generalization and quantitative calculations, it is determined that the Ukrainian linguistic didactic scientists, as well as language teachers, use various preposition and substantive forms to indicate a methodical technique based on text analysis. The grammatical peculiarities of the foreign correspondences of the Ukrainian preposition and substantive form ‘with text’ in English, German, Polish, Byelorussian and Russian languages are clarified.
In the English scientific linguistic didactic literature the phrase work with text is mainly used in the meaning of “text analysis”. At the same time, the phrase work on text in the meaning of “work on the creation (writing) of the text” also occurs in the English language. The grammatical construction Arbeit mit Texten is common in the German scientific language. Modern Polish linguistic didactics fixes the term-phrase praca z tekstem in the sense of an analytical kind of activity on the basis of the text. The preposition and substantive word form with the preposition з is also fixed in the modern Byelorussian language, as evidenced by the titles of scientific studies in the Byelorussian language methodology. Researchers do not distinguish between terms работа с текстом and работа над текстом in the Russian methodical science. They use these term phrases unsystematically.
Keywords: term phrase, preposition and substantive word form, semantic and syntactic relations.
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