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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Ukrainian Language №1 (65) 2018 » On the way from illustrative to explanatory linguistics (the historical derivation of the noun)

On the way from illustrative to explanatory linguistics (the historical derivation of the noun)

Journal Ukrainian Language №1 (65) 2018
UDC 811.161.2’367.622’372.611

Petro Bilousenko
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Ukrainian Language,
Zaporizhzhia National University
66 Zhukovsky St., Zaporizhzhya 69600, Ukraine
Е-mail: pbilousenko@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The task, the implementation of which will allow to move from illustrative to explanatory linguistics in the study of the historical word-formation of the noun, is outlined. The primary task is to identify the full range of word-formation formants. Materially-defined suffixes may change due to the left-sided extension of the formant, resulting in new suffixes. Discovery of the arsenal of lexical-word-building types of individual suffixes, and their comparison will make it possible to distinguish between new formants from their predecessors. The role of so-called determinants, ancient suffixal word-forming elements, which are closely interwoven with the root, is reviewed, but their meaning is already unclear in the Proto-Slavonic language. Recommendations concerning the inclusion of these formants in the history of word formation have been submitted. An important component of noun formants is the suffixes of the pluralia tantum nouns that appeared in the pre written period as a result of the lexicalization of grammatical forms of plurality, based on which samples were created new multiple derivatives of nouns, which should orient researchers to study the dynamics of the word-building structure of multiple nouns as a separate subsystem. The history of the noun suffixes of the noun is described, arguments are given regarding the delineation of the й-suffixal and nul-suffixal derivatives. It is shown the preference of the term confixal word-formation over the prefix-suffixal, and pointed attention to the confixes with a materially non-expressed second component.

It is emphasized that the probability of conclusions in the descriptions of the history of derivative systems and subsystems depends on the number of linguistic facts extracted from texts of different styles and genres of all periods of the functioning of the Ukrainian language. Emphasis is placed on the publication of unpublished monuments of the Ukrainian language. The attention is drawn to the question of the dialectal variation of the word-formation system of the Ukrainian language, which must be taken into account in historical – derivative studies. The present period of the study of word formation is characterized by the discovery of new elements of word-building systems and subsystems, the principles of their organization and interconnection. An important direction of derivative research is the fundamental approach. In science, the concept of the word-building system as a collection of word-formation nests has become firmly established, and the study of word-formation paradigms is intensively studied, which together with word-building chains represent their components. Complete descriptions of the history of word-building systems, executed from different perspectives, laying the way to explanatory linguistics.

Keywords: illustrative and explanatory linguistics, linguistics, materially expressed formants, null word-building means, й-suffixal derivatives, nouns pluralia tantum, dialect word-building subsystems, core-centric approach.


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