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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (66) 2018 » Formation of the concept and nomination for compound sentence in Ukrainian linguistic in XIX – 50ies of XX century

Formation of the concept and nomination for compound sentence in Ukrainian linguistic in XIX – 50ies of XX century

Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (66) 2018
UDC 811.161.2

Yuliia Chernobrov
PhD in Philology, Junior Researcher of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: chernobrovvv@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is devoted to the history of the concept and the nomination for  compound sentence in the sources of syntactic terminology of the Ukrainian language of the XIX – 50ies of XX century in the context of the syntactic theory development. A diachronic analysis of this syntactic term in the onomasiological and semasiological aspects was made. The role of Ukrainian linguists in the terminological process is shown and changes of semantics are made on the background of development of Ukrainian syntactic science.

The theoretical foundations of the compound sentence study are started in the grammar of the first half of the XIX cent. During the 1920ies and 1950ies the terms for designating a compound sentence were borrowed from Russian, Polish and used nominations close to the national language base. The term складне речення is used from the 30ies of the ХХ century. In the sources of the middle of the XX cent. such notions as складне речення, фраза, складне ціле, складне синтаксичне ціле, надфразна єдність are used synonymously. Nomination складне речення is not strict, fixed by the tradition of use. For a long time there were disputes over its orientation. An analysis of contexts indicates the identification of the parts of compound sentence with simple ones. Subsequently, linguists considered unmotivated to name several sentences as one sentence. These views are reflected in the modern interpretation of the term складне речення, as communicative unit. During this period, the basis for the modern interpretation of the term період is put and attempts have been made to use terminological units on Ukrainian base.

Keywords: term, syntactic terminology, compound sentences, historical terminology, terminological nomination.


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