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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (66) 2018 » Morphological forms of nouns in a context linguistic norm

Morphological forms of nouns in a context linguistic norm

Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (66) 2018
UDC 81’366

Larysa Kolibaba
PhD in Philology, Senior Research Scientist of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: kolibaba.lm@meta.ua

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: In this article the problem of fixing of morphological forms of nouns in the Ukrainian dictionaries of different time and its linguistic qualification the most authoritative grammars of literary Ukrainian is analyzed, in particular accusative case on -а (-я), accusative case of the plural in form of nominative case, dative case with endings -ові, -еві (-єві) and locative case on -у (-ю), -і (-ї), -ові, -еві (-єві). These morphological forms of nouns through disparity between prescriptive and descriptive norms present most difficulties during their fixing in the newest lexicographic sources. They are regulated modern prescriptive grammatical norm, that is why they necessarily need to be fixed in modern lexicographic sources.

Forms of the second accusative of nouns of masculine of the second declension, that denoting well-defined objects are organic for Ukrainian, present her specific and prescriptive does not contradict to the language norm. Application of prepositional forms of accusative on а (-я) corresponds to traditions of Ukrainian also, but as yet is a descriptive morphological norm.

Forms of dative case are on -ові, -еві (-єві), that them all nouns of masculine (both names of creatures and names of uncreatures) and part of nouns of neuter can have in accordance with a modern prescriptive norm, in language practice under influence of extralinguistic factors are still inferior to their activity before forms on –у (-ю).

In the local case, in modern linguistic practice, contrary to the prescriptive morphological norm, we observe the following tendencies: the expansion of the range of nouns of the second declension of masculine and neuter singular with the ending of the –ові, -еві (-єві), denoting uncreatures, the limitation in the functioning of the prepositional form of the “по + noun with the ending
-і (-ї)” and giving preference to the prepositional case form “по + noun on
-у (-ю)”.

Forms of accusative of plural that coincide with a nominative also belong to the original morphological features of literary Ukrainian and are signs of folk language. These forms are widely used and continue to be use in fiction and somewhat less frequently – in a publicism.

Generally speaking, descriptive norms during the conclusion of dictionaries must be based on reflection of connection between codified grammatical forms with their real embodiment in living language practice.

Keywords: prescriptive grammatical norm, descriptive grammatical norm, morphological norm, noun, ending, accusative case, second accusative case, dative case, locative case, genitive case, nominative case, masculine, neuter, names of creatures, names of uncreatures.


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