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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (66) 2018 » The names of the natural aquatic environment in the Moldovan-Ukrainian diplomas XIV – XV centuries

The names of the natural aquatic environment in the Moldovan-Ukrainian diplomas XIV – XV centuries

Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (66) 2018
UDC 811.161.2’282

Bohdana Tymochko
PhD in Philology, Junior Researcher of the Department of History of Ukrainian Language and Onomastics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: dana_babenchuk@bigmir.net

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article is aimed at deep analysis of the natural aquatic environmental names – as one of the fragments of the Ukrainian-Moldavian letters lexicon, which is an organic part of the Old Ukrainian language lexicon. Such an attribution of the lexicon of Ukrainian-Moldovan letters does not cause reservations as these legal documents are written in Ukrainian, which had the status of a state language in the Moldavian principality from the its foundation (in the 1360th) up to 1653.

Comprehensive analysis of the names of the natural aquatic environment includes the assessment of their place within the lexical system of Ukrainian-Moldovan letters, their origin, structure and areas of functioning in the modern Ukrainian language.

The names of the natural aquatic environment were identified within the lexical-semantic group «Names of the water environment» as a same named lexical semantic subgroup. The lexical-semantic subgroup «Names of the natural aquatic environment» consists of 20 lexical-semantic structures. The beginning of its structuring is marked by division into three lexical-semantic micro-groups: «Common names of the natural aquatic environment», «Names of individual forms of the natural aquatic environment» and «Names of parts of individual forms of the natural aquatic environment», which contain different amounts of lexical-semantic structures. Between the nominatives that form the lexical-semantic subgroup «Names of the natural aquatic environment», there exist persistent lexical-semantic relations, predominantly expressed in synonymy. Most nomins have their roots in the Proto-Slavonic age (63 %), others came to Ukrainian-Moldavian letters from Romanian (31 %) and Bulgarian (3 %) languages. The structure is significantly dominated by one-word nomins (95 %). In the modern Ukrainian language, a similar number of names of the natural aquatic environment, as evidenced in the Ukrainian-Moldavian charter of the XIV – XV centuries, is functioning as dialectal (45 %) or normative (40 %); 15 % – are not registered in modern Ukrainian language.

Keywords: Moldavian principality, Ukrainian‑Moldovan letters, names of the natural aquatic environment, lexical semantic structure, nomin, nomination, origin of the name.


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