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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (66) 2018 » System “STIMULUS” analizing the associative experiment results

System “STIMULUS” analizing the associative experiment results

Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (66) 2018
UDC 81’23: 81’33: 81-116

Olha Zahorodnia
PhD in Philology, Assoсiate Professor, National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit
1 Pidhirna St., Kyiv 04107, Ukraine
E-mail: olgagorna@ukr.net

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article describes the computer system “STIMULUS” specially designed for a complex analysis of associative fields of stimuli (cue words). “STIMULUS” can be used as universal instrument for analysis of concepts as well as concept groups in different branches of linguistics such as associative, cognitive, applied, computer linguistics and many other fields of humanities. The “STIMULUS” functions, operational abilities, parameters calculated as well as prospective of its development are given. The System can analyze both lexical and connotative components of a word meaning realized in the associative field of the word. The parameters calculated with “STIMULUS” are also presented in dynamics. Two and more stimuli can be compared simultaneously. The “STIMULUS” gives visual support of the data for more thorough analysis. The “STIMULUS” is the first step in the computerization of the Ukrainian associative linguistics. The System was tested on the analysis of associative fields of Ukrainian social and political lexis and illustrates the results of the free associative experiment carried on in Ukraine in 2013 – 2016. It is obviously important research task according to sharp social and political change in Ukraine of that time. In the article the associative fields of the words конституція (constitution),  нація (nation), патріот (patriot), лідер (leader), армія (army), прем’єр-міністр (prime minister) and others are considered. The results show that associative fields can include not only verbal units but also symbols and pictures. The verbal target words on Ukrainian cue words can be given not only in Ukrainian but in Russian, English and other languages as well. Every associative field includes the percentage of resignation to associate. The connotative component of the cue word has dynamics which depends on the non-lingual factors. The notions нація (nation), лідер (leader), армія (army) are positive for the Ukrainians and the notion  прем’єр-міністр (prime minister ) is negative.

Keywords: associative experiment, social and political lexis, computer technology, associative field, connotations, cue word, target word.


  • АП – associative field
  • КС «STIMULUS» – Informational and analytical system of collecting and analyzing associative data  «STIMULUS»
  • ЛСВ – lexical and semantic variant
  • МКС – language worldview
  • R – reaction (association)
  • St – stimulus


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