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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (66) 2018 » The Ukrainian lexicon of the end of 18th – the beginning of 21st century – new type dictionary

The Ukrainian lexicon of the end of 18th – the beginning of 21st century – new type dictionary

Journal Ukrainian Language №2 (66) 2018
UDC 811.161.2’373’374

Zinaida Kоzyreva
PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher of the Department of Lexicology, Lexicography and Structural and Mathematical Linguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
E-mail: zinaidakozyreva@hotmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article analyses “The Ukrainian Lexicon of the end of 18th – the beginning of 21st century: Index Dictionary” as a multiple sourced and multiple function integrated system which covers the whole lexical and phraseological content basing on fundamental lexicographic sources (both philological and some encyclopedic ones) during the course of two past centuries. The index dictionary contains a list of words that are included in most authoritative and commonly used lexicographic sources, which names are given in abbreviations. The article outlines the features of formation of a dictionary entry, order of presentation and interpretation of homonyms; the question of submitting variants within one or separate vocabulary articles. The Іndex Dictionary as a normative reference source is based on the rules of modern Ukrainian spelling, although it reflects the vocabulary of the Ukrainian language over a long period of time, including a significant amount of Ukrainian vocabulary that is not part of the modern Ukrainian literary language. The basic parameters of system relations between words and their meanings are also outlined. The Іndex Dictionary is an open lexicographical system and a strong base for the development of the modern integrated lexicography.

Keywords: The Index Dictionary, dictionary entry, registry item, homonymy, linguistic variation, integrated lexicography.


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