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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Ukrainian Language №3 (67) 2018 » Dialectal language and normative lexicographic practice

Dialectal language and normative lexicographic practice

Journal Ukrainian Language №3 (67) 2018
UDC 811.162.2:282’374

Maryna Tkachuk
PhD in Philology, Research Scientist of the Department of Dialectology,
Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Е-mail: tkachuk_maryna@ukr.net

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article deals with the issue of representation of the dialectal lexis at the modern general explanatory dictionaries, the dynamics of its functions and accuracy of stylistic qualifications and remarks at the lexicographic works. The relevance of research is due to the fact that the dialects remain the source of a replenishment, diversification and enrichment of the standard language; likewise, the state of language and national linguistic development is often estimated through dictionaries, and some of them, primarily the large ones, determine the measure of normality and codification of the literary language.

The principal explanatory dictionaries of the Ukrainian language are characterized in terms of the representation of dialecticisms. The necessity of adjusting of the explanatory dictionaries’ indexes taking into account the language material (in particular dialectal data) accumulated over the last decades and the latest language trends, is emphasized. The expansion of number of the dialectal tokens at the indexes of the newest explanatory dictionaries is also noted. At the same time, some deficiencies at the presentation of vocabulary entries with dialecticisms were pointed out.

Updating of the number of dialecticisms at the indexes of general dictionaries is partly caused by an intensification of the using of dialectal lexis at the writings of writers from different regions of Ukraine. At the same time, vocabulary practice does not always manage with the language one, therefore, on the one hand, some dialecticisms have not entered into explanatory dictionaries yet; on the other hand, a semantization of such language units at dictionaries is often insufficient.

Another group of vocabulary is composed of the words used in texts of various linguistic styles and known to a large circle of language speakers, but are still marked at dictionaries as dialectal or colloquial. It is emphasized that the active functioning of a certain language unit in multi-genre and multi-style contexts affords ground for revising of the restrictive remarks at the dictionaries.

The lexis, marked as заст., фолькл., іст., етн., зах., were also analyzed in terms of dialect correlation. It emphasizes on the relevancy to broader using of dialectal data at lexicographic practice, since such an approach opens to researchers a lot of peculiarities of the lexis of standard language functioning and, accordingly, the possibility of a more accurate presentation and characterization of the dialectal vocabulary at the general dictionary.

Keywords: explanatory dictionary, index of the dictionary, dialectal lexis, dialecticisms.


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