Journal Ukrainian Language №3 (67) 2018
UDC 811.161.2’374.2:46
Liudmyla Turovska
PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: Nowadays the terminological practice is focuses on the creation of special dictionaries of different types and sizes in printed and electronic form. Socio-and-political and linguistic factors necessitate the creation of special dictionaries whose tasks are maximally complete and accurate representation of phenomena and events of social life, the imposition of ideological and evaluative characteristics on neutral, commonly used lexical units, as well as the emergence of new terms for the designation of political reality.
It is emphasized in the article that the factors influencing the parameters of the dictionary and the process of its creation can be divided into actual lexicographic and external ones. The first is related to the satisfaction of the needs of the user dictionary, the second corrects the dictionary in accordance with the actual conditions of the vocabulary project. Actually lexicographic factors include the material with which users perform those or those operations, the nature of these operations, as well as the information needs of users and the needs associated with the peculiarities of the search and perception of information.
It is noted that terminographs meet a problem of working out such a system of remarks that will adequately and reliably transmit to the user information about the estimated shade of the register unit, even potentially possible in the process of communication, as well as about who is the subject and subject of evaluation in a particular situation the use of the headword.
In the Dictionary of socio-and-political terminology, the fixation of new terms takes place taking into account the time of appearance, motivation, use and word-formation significance. The material is given according to the alphabetical and topical pattern.
Keywords: terminological dictionary, micro- and macrostructure of the dictionary, vocabulary register, socio-and-political dictionary.
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