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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Ukrainian Language №3 (67) 2018 » Ukrainian punctuation: achievements, problems, perspectives in specification and codification

Ukrainian punctuation: achievements, problems, perspectives in specification and codification

Journal Ukrainian Language №3 (67) 2018
UDC 811.161.2'35

Lubomyr Sehin
PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature Donbass State Pedagogical University
19 Batiuka St., Sloviansk 84116, Ukraine
E-mail: Lyubomyr13@ukr.net

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article, considering the preliminary research works in linguistics, circumscribes the origin of Ukrainian punctuation, analyzes necessary conditions for its development, determines and characterizes the principal periods of Ukrainian punctuation as a separate field of Ukrainian linguistics starting with the ancient times and up to contemporaneity, names the linguists who tried to give theoretical grounds of punctuation in Ukrainian linguistics; defines the most significant problems of modern punctuation considering the preliminary achievements, sketches the perspectives of this linguistic field, generalizes the scientists’ assertions in different issues. The author indicates that the issue of Ukrainian punctuation has been activated since the end of the XX-th ct.: the main further steps of Ukrainian punctuation development have been sketched; the essential theoretical principles of punctuation have been revealed; the system of punctuation marks, their functions and the principles of classification (according to their direction of use,  their function, repeatability, their correspondence to the punctuation rules, their ability to have a punctuation variant, their structure) have been thoroughly analyzed; attempts to define some new punctuation notions have been done. The productive work of scientists of different generations has resulted not only in a stable system of rules for using punctuation marks but in the theoretical grounds and generalizations which will make up the ground for further researches. The author draws attention to the necessity of the analysis and description of punctuation in modern texts. Having analyzed the modern state of punctuation the author has come to a conclusion that punctuation, being an essential part of Ukrainian grammar, requires a new, accurate and the most complete definition which will enable to generalize and extend modern linguistic researches and being a component of orthography it requires a thorough review, completion, specification and renovation in accordance to the real state of the language.

Keywords: punctuation, punctuation system, punctuation marks, periods of Ukrainian punctuation evolution, principles of punctuation, punctuation rules.


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