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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2018 » Journal Ukrainian Language №4 (68) 2018 » Hutsul dialectal vocabulary in the novel by S. Sklyarenko «Carpathians»

Hutsul dialectal vocabulary in the novel by S. Sklyarenko «Carpathians»

Journal Ukrainian Language №4 (68) 2018
UDC 81’282:82-31:821.161.2

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5702-6824

Valentyna Greshchuk
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Ukrainian Language Department of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Director of the Institute of Ukrainian Studies of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
57 Shevchenko St., Ivano-Frankivsk 76018, Ukraine
E-mail: zavershok@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: An important task of modern Ukrainian linguistics is the study of the use and functioning of dialects in the Ukrainian artistic language. The main questions of such studies are the determination of the completeness and features of the use of dialectal units in the artistic text, the sporadic or systematic introduction of dialectic, phonetic, grammatical, lexical and phraseological dialectal units or only lexical ones. Of particular importance is the question of whether dialecticism is used only in the language of the characters or in the author’s language. Characteristics of lexical dialectics in the structure of the artistic text should reveal their scope and semantics, their most representative groups, the degree of the creation of the dialectal lexicon in the language of works of art by one author and the artistic language as a whole.

The use of Hutsul dialectics in the language of the novel S. Sklyarenko «Carpathians» has its own specifics. The writer uses only lexical dialecticism and does not use phonetic or grammatical at all. Another feature is that lexical dialecticisms are common in the language of the characters, and in the author’s language they are rarely encountered. The specificity of using Hutsul lexical dialectics determines their composition, the thematic groups that they represent.

The most representative were the groups of lexical dialectics to denote individuals on various grounds, the names of clothes, food, the names of settlements and buildings of different purposes, the names of the landscape, the names associated with logging and forestry, the names of diseases. Individual nomina represent other thematic groups of vocabulary. From the dialectics used, the absolute majority is made up of nouns, and other-part dialectal forms are used occasionally.

Purposefully introduced into the canvas of the literary language, individual lexical dialectal units perform important text-creation functions in the writing. They nominate segments of extraordinary reality, which in the literary language have no one-word correspondences, introduce the recipient of the text with the geographical conditions of residence, life, material and spiritual culture of the heroes of the work. At the same time, dialecticisms analyzed favor the individualization of the characters of the work, provide artistic credibility and ethnographic authenticity of the image, reproduce the unique Hutsul color.

Keyword: dialecticism, dialectal vocabulary, hutsul dialect, S. Sklyarenko, novel «Carpathians».


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