Journal Ukrainian Language №4 (68) 2018
UDC 811.161.2
Kateryna Horodenska
Dr. Sci.(Philol.), Professor, Head of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The paper analyzes main aspects of morphology researches in different periods of the development of academic Ukrainian language studies. It is stated that extra-linguistic factors, especially educational and ideological, had a great influence on the morphology representation in the Ukrainian language courses and grammar books (textbooks for schools, institutes and universities) up to the middle of the 20th century.
The development of morphology theory (first of all of the studies devoted to parts of speech and other basic morphological categories) since the 60s is characterized. The theoretical principles of different parts of speech distinguishing by grammarians, based on the achievements of traditional and modern Ukrainian linguistics, are generalized.
The main attention is paid to the functional (semantic and grammatical) approach worked out by I.R. Vykhovanets and his followers. It is used to classify words according to part of speech, qualify morphological units (minimum morphological units and morphological construction), status of morphological categories. The semantic and grammatical approach has been predominating in the Ukrainian grammar studies since 80s of the 20th century. It was used to prepare complete description of the Ukrainian morphological system in “Ukrainian Modern Literary Language. Morphology”.
Among the most urgent issues of the Ukrainian language studies are the problems of the theory and applied morphology caused by globalization and democratization of the society. Among them grammar standard realization in the Ukrainian everyday language practice, actualization of rarely used morphological cases forms and units, dynamics of compulsory grammar norms in functional and stylistic spheres of language.
Keywords: morphology, grammar, parts of speech, morphologic categories, semantic and grammatical approach, functional and categorical grammar, grammar norms.
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