Journal Ukrainian Language – №1 (73) 2020
UDC 811.161.2
Myroslava Bahan,
Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor,
Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology and Slavic Studies,
Kyiv National Linguistic University
73, Velyka Vasylkivska St., Kyiv 03680, Ukraine
Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The relevance of the proposed article is due to the need for a comprehensive study of the mixing of Ukrainian and English in modern Ukrainian communicative space. In order to keep on the identity of the Ukrainian language and ensure its organic development, it is important to make the society have the right point of view on the problem of unreasonable, unmotivated use of lexical,
Wordforming and other elements of English in the Ukrainian media and education.
The investigation is grounded on the observation method and descriptive method, structural method (for the analysis of the structure of hybrid words) and the method of functional analysis (to determine the functional advantages of the loanwords).
The author qualifies the use of graphically undeveloped borrowings, the expansion of English wordformation models and the creation of the Ukrainian proper names with the help of English lexemes or graphs as the Anglicization of the Ukrainian communicative environment.
The paper proves that the tendency of the Ukrainians to mix English words and phrases with their own language is not codeswitching, because this process is chaotic, not aimed at understanding, but flaunting. Codeswitching has the status of a pragmatically oriented way of speaking, typical primarily of a multicultural communicative space and assumes that the interlocutor is a fluent speaker in both languages and may use different languages according to the communicative circumstances or intentions. There are no rational grounds for mixing mother tongue with a foreign language, even a very popular language, in official communication with nationals.
The author emphasizes that unreasonable use of English words and phrases in the Ukrainian speech leads to the impoverishment of the Ukrainian language’s lexicon, distortion of its graphic and grammatical features. In the context of globalization, in order to preserve the originality of the mother tongue, increase its status and communicative power, it is important to avoid the uncontrolled intrusion of English words into Ukrainian vocabulary.
Keywords: English loanword, foreign word, adaptation of borrowings, Anglicization, codeswitching, codemixing, language interference.
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