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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2020 » Journal Ukrainian Language – №2 (74) 2020 » LINGUISTIC PROFILE OF SOURCE AS A TERMINOGRAPHICAL TOOL


Journal Ukrainian Language – №2 (74) 2020
UDC 811.161.2'374.2:46

Iryna Kazymyrova, PhD in Philology, Senior Researcher of the Department of Grammar and Scientific Terminology, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevskyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine

Е-mail: kazymyrovai@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: The article characterizes the sources of the historical dictionary of linguistic terms. The source base for the study of the evolution of Ukrainian linguistic terminology includes secondary sources, divided into such groups: 1) grammars and textbooks; 2) dictionaries and encyclopedias; 3) monographs and scientific articles on linguistic issues.

The concept of “linguistic profile of the source” is used to describe the linguistic source of the historical dictionary of linguistic terms. The conceptualization process as a cognitive mechanism of the meaning formation is based on speech operations that a person uses in language usage. Determinant in the perception of information is the phenomenon of attention, which has several designations in cognitive linguistics: highlighting, perspectivization, profiling, focusing. The linguistic conceptualization of the cognitive profiling operation is based on the thesis that a person has the cognitive ability to perceive, interpret and describe the same reference situation differently, using different linguistic means. It is because a person chooses the most important and significant information for him at this moment from all other. Terms figure and background are used to describe the perceptual connection between the object of focus and the rest of the perceptual field. The links between terms figure and background at first were described by the Danish Gestalt psychologist E. Rubin.

The concept of a linguistic profile of source is used to focus the researches attention on those aspects of the analyzed sources that are important for studying the evolution of the linguistic term. The following key points are I. “External” criticism of the source. 1. Time of the source creation. 2. Place of the source creation. 3. The historical and cultural and linguistic situation in the region of the source creation. 4. The author of the source, its age, education, worldview, etc. 5. Motives and circumstances of the source creation. 6. Estimation of the source in linguistic works. 7. Works that are the basis of the analyzed source. ІІ. “Internal” source criticism. 1. Complete coverage of language tiers. 2. The terms that denote the linguistic concepts, their hierarchical organization. 3. The author’s orientation on the specific Ukrainian / borrowed vocabulary to describe linguistic concepts. 4. Features of the usage of lexical units to denote the linguistic concepts in the source text, their paradigmatics and syntagmatics. This article is modelled the linguistic profile of I.H. Verkhratskyi’s works.

The analysis of linguistic sources by these parameters makes it possible to present the history of a linguistic term in a linguistic text, taking into account its contextual environment and the richness of syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections. The linguistic profile of the source/works is an actual basis of dictionary articles of historical dictionaries of linguistic terms of different genres.

Keywords: linguistic term, historical dictionary of linguistic terms, linguistic source studies, profiling, linguistic profile of a source, language personality.



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