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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2020 » Journal Ukrainian Language – №3 (75) 2020 » HISTORY OF TERMS TO DENOTE DIRECT AND INDIRECT DISCOURSE IN UKRAINIAN LINGUISTICS


Journal Ukrainian Language – №3 (75) 2020
UDC 811.161.2

Yuliia Chernobrov,
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Member of the National Commission on State Language Standards
10 Peremohy Sq., Kyiv 03110, Ukraine

E-mail: chernobrovvv@gmail.com

Heading: Researches
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract:  The article deals with the history of basic terms to denote the ways of speech reporting in Ukrainian linguistics; the analysis of terms in onomasiological and semasiological aspects on the basis of historical sources is carried out; the contribution of Ukrainian linguists to the formation and development of this terminological subsystem is presented.

Terms to denote the concepts of someone’s speech transfer is a separate subsystem that has a history of formation, development and codification in Ukrainian linguistics. In present Syntax this subsystem is called Representology. The theoretical foundations of Representology in Ukrainian linguistics are laid in the grammars of the second half of the XIX – first half of the XX century. Authors of grammar mannuals and scientific papers used nominations created on Ukrainian-language basis.

Terminological variability to denote the concepts of direct and indirect speech in the sources of the 20ies of the twentieth century illustrates active scientific search for optimal means of concept’s nomination according to their characteristics, or individual terminology. Term units proposed in the works written by M. Osadtsa, S.Y. Smal-Stotsky, P.F. Zalozny, P.Y. Horetsky and I. Shalia, Yu.V. Sheveliov served as the basis for the modern termsystem called Representology. Yu. Sheveliov specified the concepts of direct and indirect language, outlined their grammatical nature and stylistic properties, as well as noted the ancient tradition of using constructions with a foreign language in the Ukrainian language.

Terminological material illustrates the dynamics of terminology and allows the information systematization about the evolution of linguistic terms. Generalized data will be included in the Ukrainian historical dictionary of linguistic terms, which intended to become not only a component of the general historical vocabulary, but also to illustrate the development of Ukrainian linguistic thought.

Keywords: term, syntactic terminology, Historical Terminology, terminological nomination, direct speech, indirect speech, semi-direct speech, implicit direct speech.


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