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» Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (90) 2024 » Journal Issues » 2021 » Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (78) 2021 » Linguosophy of war and man in works of fiction by Borys Humenіuk

Linguosophy of war and man in works of fiction by Borys Humenіuk

Journal Ukrainian Language – № 2 (78) 2021
UDC 81’38
Svitlana Bybyk, Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor, Leading Researcher in the Department of Stylistics, Culture of Language, and Sociolinguistics, Institute of the Ukrainian Language of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
4 Hrushevs’kyi St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine
E-mail: sbybyk2016@ukr.net

Heading: Articles
Language: Ukrainian

Abstract: This article investigates the wartime poetry and prose by Borys Humenіuk dedicated to the current war in Eastern Ukraine started in 2014. Being of different genres, his works are marked by common through associative and figurative lines. Emphasis is placed on the ways of verbalization of the philosophy of war as an author’s interpretation of concrete sensory images provided by the artist as a direct participant in hostilities. There are two main associative and figurative  lines, i.e., war — man — nature and life — death.

The actualization of the military lexicon in the Ukrainian writing style is emphasized. Emphasis is also placed on the stylistic functions of a national and general cultural set of symbols (words) which reveal archetypal semantics in the structure of metaphorical and epithetical images. This article discusses such individual features of Humeniuk’s language creativity as an actualization of stylistics of a numeral, number, and digital code.

Humeniuk’s poetic and prose language contains lyric-epic characteristic features. The epithets and metaphors of end-to-end associative image lines have been imprinted by the sublingual stylistic category of subjectivization. Linguosophy of man and war actualizes archetypal associative and figurative components, sacred, folklore, and surrealist (mythogenic) semantics of real phe nomena.

The epithets and metaphors of Humeniuk’s Poems from the War and 100 Short Stories about the War created and united the military, socio-political, and intimately lyrical segments of the Ukrainian language picture of the world. These verbal and figurative mechanisms actualized the concrete sensory content, semantic, conversational casual and ironic, filling of certain cross-cutting lines. Humeniuk’s language attracts attention by expressive individual worldviews, the characteristic structural diversity of epithetics, intellectualized metaphors, which interact comprehensively and create deeply psychologized pictures of life during the war.

Keywords: language of fiction, through associative-figurative lines, metaphor, epithet, numeral, wordsymbol, archetype.

СУМ-11 — Bilodid, I.K. (Ed.). (1970–1980). Dictionary of the Ukrainian language (Vols. 1–11). Kyiv: Naukova Dumka (in Ukrainian).


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